Chapter 10- Taking Back

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*Author Note-This chapter contains strong sexual content. Read at your own risk.*


"He...he what?" Aera shrieked as she clutched my biceps in her hands, her fingertips pressing hard into my skin. "How? When?"

"It happened last week," I admitted reluctantly. "Apparently he was being transported to another facility when the bus was hijacked and someone helped him escape. Hoseok called me a couple of hours before we came to Ilsan. He told me to get you out of Seoul as fast as possible. I didn't want you to be scared, I'm so sorry baby."

Her face dropped and tears formed in her eyes as she said, "So there was a reason you brought me here. I knew it. lied to me Namjoon."

"Aera, I'm so sorry but I promise you I didn't lie to you. I did have a trip to Ilsan planned for us but when I got the call about HyunKi I had to move everything up. I'd originally planned to bring you here Christmas Day and spend a few days with my parents. I didn't lie about anything, I swear."

"Is that why Jungkook and Sunni are here?" she asked. "Did he threaten them? Oh god, what about everyone else? What about Jin and Emmie and the baby...Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok..."

"Aera, baby, calm down," I said, still rubbing her arms. She was starting to breathe rapidly and I felt her tensing under my touch. "Everyone is okay, Hoseok is staying with Emmie and Jin and he's got their house surrounded with security like a presidential mansion. Tae and Jimin are staying together and Yoongi has been pretty much holed up in his studio. Everyone is taking the proper precautions."


"As for Jungkook and Sunni, they were staying on Jeju Island when Hoseok got a tip that HyunKi been spotted in the area close to them. As soon as I heard I called him and insisted he bring Sunni and the baby here. I knew you wanted to spend the holiday with him anyway and this way they'll be safe from him."

"But what if he followed them?" she asked, panicked. "Don't underestimate Ki, Namjoon. I lived with him long enough to know that you can't ever anticipate what he'll do next. He could very well be outside the house right now."

"If he did he's an idiot. Trust me, you're all protected here. I let my parents know that was going on and my father made sure to hire extra security. You're safe here I promise," I said.

"I'll never be safe from him," she whispered angrily, hot tears shooting down her cheeks. "No one will. Not unless-"

"Hey, Aera-"

" everyone knew," she whispered, swallowing hard. "Everyone knew but me."

"Aera, baby, I didn't want you to know until you absolutely had to. I'm sorry I kept it from you but I did what I thought was right. I understand if you're upset but-"

"Upset?" she exclaimed. "I'm not upset Namjoon. I'm terrified," she cried. She started to shake and I tried to calm her in my arms but she backed away from me. "I know you have your own experiences with Ki but you have no idea what he's capable of. The night he shot Sunni should prove that. I'm telling you that as long he is free no one is safe. No one," she insisted.

She continued to back away from me and I tried to stop her. "Aera, wait, please-"

"Namjoon, don't," she said, raising her hand to me. "I need to be alone right now. Please don't follow me, I just need...I don't know what I need but please just let me go." I sighed as she turned and rushed out of the foyer and I stood there, rooted to the spot and feeling defeated. I ran my hands angrily through my hair and stared at the empty space where she'd just left, wondering how I was ever going to make her feel safe again.

Tear: A Kim Namjoon Fan Fiction (18+) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now