Chapter 9-Everything is fine...

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*Author Note-Sexual Content*


"So, Aera dear, our son tells us you started your own catering business. That must be exciting," Namjoon's mother said to me. We'd all taken our seats in their dining room and were already into the main course, which I had to admit was delicious.

"Yes, it is. I've been doing catering jobs for a little over a year now but I officially leased my own building last June," I replied.

Namjoon took my hand and looked at me with pride before saying, "You both should see it next time you're both in Seoul. It's very impressive. I'm so proud of her."

"Thank you," I said to him, squeezing his hand in mine. "And yes, I'd love to show it to you. There's a full kitchen on site and I have a little dining area set up for menu tastings. I'd love to make a meal for you both sometime."

"Well that would be lovely, Aera. Thank you," his mother replied with a smile. I wasn't trying to get my hopes up but his parents were both so warm and loving that I was beginning to think they actually liked me.

"So can I ask you both a question?" I asked them, giving Namjoon a playful smile.

"Of course dear," his father said.

"Am I really the first girl Namjoon has ever introduced you to?" I asked with a smile.

Namjoon chuckled and before he could answer his father said, "Yes you are."

"Really?" I laughed. "That's surprising, I figured he'd have had brought a few home by now given that he's so perfect."

Namjoon's mother smiled at me and said, "Well I have to agree with you there. I do think he's the perfect guy but of course I'm biased. But it's true, Namjoon has never brought a girl home to meet us until now but there's a reason for that."

"Oh really?" I asked. "May I ask what the reason is? If I'm not being too forward."

Namjoon's father smiled at me before saying, "You're not being forward at all. It's a pretty simple reason actually. When he started dating his mother and I told him that he should be careful with his heart and that he should only truly give it away to the girl he was sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. When he was sure he found her that was when we wanted to meet her."

His mother took a drink of her wine and said, "And now here you are."

My heart warmed at their words as Namjoon laced his fingers with mine. I looked up at him and he smiled at me and I remembered his words from the plane; he was going to eventually propose to me. Is that why we came here? Was he going to propose to me at his parents home?

He could sense that I was getting nervous so he cleared his throat and said, "Relax Aera, I'm not proposing to you at the dinner table either, don't worry. I promise when it happens you won't be expecting it at all."

His parents chuckled lightly and I laughed at him. "Well I know when you decide to it'll be perfect."

"I have to say Aera," his mother said, "I have only known you a few hours and I already can see how happy you make our son. In fact I've never seen him this happy in his whole life and I want to thank you for that."

Tear: A Kim Namjoon Fan Fiction (18+) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now