Chapter 15- Middle

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*Author Note- Trigger warning: This chapter contains violence and mentions of sexual assault. Read at your own risk.*

This is a dual POV chapter.


I woke up the next morning after barely sleeping to thankfully find Aera still sleeping soundly next to me. I had to admit seeing her sleeping in bed made my nerves calm a bit. I half expected to find her gone but it did make me feel better knowing she was still in bed next to me.

I got up and quickly showered and got dressed for the day. When I walked back into the bedroom she was still sleeping like an angel. I quietly left the room to let her get more rest and pulled out my phone to call the one person I knew I could talk to about this. After a few rings, he answered and we agreed to meet up that morning.

I peeked back into my bedroom to see Aera stretching and yawning. "Good morning beautiful," I said as I walked to her.

"Good morning my love," she said with a sleepy smile.

"How'd you sleep?"

"I was in your arms," she replied matter-of-factly, as if the answer was obvious. Despite my apprehension I smiled at her. "How about you?"

"I slept well," I lied with a grin. If I was being honest I tossed and turned all night after having a bad dream that Aera had been taken by HyunKi again and this time I was too late to save her. When I woke up and saw her sleeping safely next to me I wrapped her in my arms and held her all night as she slept, afraid to close my eyes.

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and when they focused on me she blinked and said, "You're dressed already."

"Uh, yeah. I woke up early and didn't want to wake you," I replied before gently cupping her cheek.

"Are you going somewhere?" she asked me as her eyes traveled down to find me dressed.

"I was just going to run a couple errands, nothing special. I still need to pick up my tux for Jimin's party," I answered. "I figured I'd get it done and out of the way so we have the rest of the day together."

She noticeably stiffened before smiling at me and said, "Yeah, that reminds me, I need to pick up my gown from the dress shop. They called said they finished my alterations so I need to pick it up this afternoon after I'm done at work."

"I can pick it up for you," I offered.

"Oh you don't have to do that," she said.

"Really, baby, it's no trouble. You have a big event to prepare for so just think of it as one less thing you have to do."

"Are you sure?"

I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and rested my hand on her delicate cheek before I said, "Of course I'm sure. Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."

Aera smiled and leaned up to kiss me. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome," I reply, kissing her back. "Well, I'm going to head out, get this day going. You'll be okay while I'm gone?"

"Um, yes, I will. I'm actually going to be heading to work to get some last minute things ready for tomorrow," she answered. I furrowed my brows and, sensing my worry, she placed her hand on my cheek reassuringly and said, "Don't worry, Joon, I'll be okay. I'm going to be there with my whole staff so I won't be alone. Hoseok even messaged last night and he wanted to stop by to touch base about Ki. You know if he's there I will be very well protected. Ki wouldn't dare touch me with him around."

Tear: A Kim Namjoon Fan Fiction (18+) Book 3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat