Chapter 12-Beloved

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*Author Note- This chapter contains strong sexual content. Read at your own risk.*


"This is it, hyung. How do you feel?" Jungkook asked me as I slid into my coat.

"I'm excited but a little nervous to be honest. She already told me she'd say yes when I decided to ask her but the build up still has me feeing apprehensive."

"I know what you mean. When I proposed to Sunni I was a ball of nerves even though I was sure she'd say yes. Hell, she was already three months pregnant with Ji at that point," he chuckled. "We were already in love and were becoming a family but there's still that little voice that nagged at me in case she said no."

I blew out a nervous breath as I buttoned my coat and I said sarcastically, "Thanks for that, Jungkook. That really made me feel better."

He smiled at me and placed his hands on my shoulders, giving them a comforting shake. "She'll say yes, Namjoon. She loves you so much."

"I love her too, man. More than I can ever say."

Jungkook's smile faded but his eyes were still warm as he cleared his throat. "I'm so glad Aera has you. I love my sister so much and no one in the world deserves happiness more than she does. You met her at her lowest and loved her through everything as she pulled herself up, even when she didn't love herself. You were patient with her, you took care of her heart, and you did all of it long before you two were even together. You have no idea how much I appreciate everything you've done to help Aera become herself again. I love you, Namjoon-hyung, and I am so honored to have you as my brother," Jungkook said, his tone thick with emotion.

"Jungkook, thank you," I replied and I pulled him into a tight hug. As soon as we pulled back from each other I said, "I'm honored too. She just has to say yes first."

"Say yes to what?" Aera said as she walked down the staircase in dark jeans that were tucked into tan calf high boots and a cream turtleneck wit her raven hair in waves around her shoulders. My heart skipped a beat; even in something so simple she still looked elegant.

I looked at Jungkook, who was smiling, and I said, "To my idea for something special tonight after I give you your last gift. Since it's still Christmas Day I thought maybe we could go to the stables and maybe take a ride on one of the horses."

Her eyes lit up and she said, "Really? Namjoon, that sounds so romantic, I'd love to do that."

She stepped to me and I pulled her in, kissing her forehead, and said, "We can even double up on one horse if you want, that way I can keep you warm."

"Perfect," she said sweetly and kissed my lips gently.

"Well I'm going to go back to Sunni and Ji, let you two kids have fun," Jungkook said, winking knowingly at me before hugging Aera. "Have a good time big sister."

"I'm sure I will," she said. I helped Aera into her coat and hat before we both gave one last wave to Jungkook and he nodded at me with a smile before we walked out into the snow together.

"So, have you had a good Christmas so far?" I asked Aera as we walked through the snow hand in hand.

"Yes, this has been the best holiday I've ever had," she answered with a smile. "Well, with one obvious exception."

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