ii. doomed reality

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doomed reality

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"I hate to break this to you, but you guys are doomed."

"What? Why?" Wrecker asked.

"She's gonna tell us, dumbass," Echo responded, glaring at Wrecker, who didn't know any better.

Cid sighed, debating how to tell them the news.

"What is it, Cid?" Hunter finally asked. In the back of his mind, he knew something was wrong, but he couldn't seem to pinpoint it. After all, this is the first time Cid has been this reluctant to tell the squad something.


"Just say it!" Hunter yelled, slamming the table in front of him. Everyone jumped back, taken by surprise by Hunter's sudden reaction.

"Omega has been taken to Wasskah," she finally blurted, "one of the moons of Trandosha."

Every member of the bad batch looked at Cid, still worried but confused on why it was so difficult for her to tell them.

"Tech, do you know anything about these people?" Hunter asked.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," he replied.

"I'll just tell you," Cid interrupted, "knowing you guys you'll just start arguing. That's where all Tech's smarts go."

"Go ahead, we're listening," Echo said, leaning against a seat at the bar, crossing his arms."

"Wasskah is home to Garnac's hunting guild, the founder and leader being Garnac himself. Their headquarters is the Ubrikkian Floating Fortress, created by Ubrikkian industries."

Tech became focused in his own thoughts, starting to piece together the bits and pieces of information together.

"The fortress was armed with laser cannons," Cid continued.

Hunter rolled his eyes and slouched back in his chair. "Get to the point Cid."

"She's most likely going to not make it out of there alive," Tech blurted out. "Those people are ruthless and will do anything they can to get money. And we all are worth something right now, especially Omega."

"Can I finish?" Cid asked sarcastically. "I may have some information that will help you break her out. And goggles over there isn't right."

"But the guild members were killed, Cid. The guild is gone. There's no way she's there."

"Tech if you interrupt me one more time I'm going to-"

"Don't finish that sentence."

Cid rolled her eyes. "Anyways, now that Tech has shut up, I can finally say that the empire rebuilt it. And Crosshair is the head of the guild now. They take anyone that may have valuable information, committed treason against the empire, or those that are force sensitive. Omega fits two of those categories. You have to land far from the facility, and basically swim to the island that it's on. Luckily for you I have a small boat you can use and that will fit into the Marauder. Then you guys are on your own. I don't know what goes on there."

"Will we be able to blow up anything?" Wrecker asked.

"Wrecker, this is serious," Hunter said, almost cutting him off. "Omega could die."

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