vii. redemption

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tw: mentions of alcoholism


"So where are we going in that giant desert?" Echo asked.

"You're not going to like this."


"The people that have Jabba's pet are the pykes."


"We'll take it," Echo said, grabbing the hologram off the table.

Hunter glared at him, took the hologram, and put it back on the table. "No we aren't."

"Yes we are."

"What happened the last time I trusted you?"

"We got paid a lot of money," Echo replied.

"Omega got kidnapped and we had to rescue her, and we had to deal with Crosshair. By now, he's probably tracking us somehow. He probably knows our location and has made the bounties on our heads higher."

"So you're just going to skip over the details?"

"The details aren't important," Hunter said, grabbing the puck from Echo and putting it back on the table.

"The fact you tried to kill me and became an alcoholic is fucking important Hunter!"

"You didn't need to say the second part out loud."

"So that's why you asked for the bottle of brandy when you left here a week ago," Cid muttered to herself, putting two and two together. "Shit that's my fault."

"No it's not Cid," Echo replied. "It's no one's fault but Hunter's."

"Please, can you guys just stop! Please stop!" Omega shouted, before she paused, a tear rolling down her cheek. "It's like I don't even know you guys anymore, especially Hunter."

"Omega, it wasn't supposed to go this far. I swear," he said, trying to help her.

"Well, it has Hunter. Every word Echo has said is true. Even though I haven't been here to witness all of it, it's true. I chose to join you guys. I thought life would be better. If I had known this would've happened, I would've just stayed on Kamino."

The whole room sat there, stunned, because they knew what staying on Kamino would've meant.


"Omega, don't say that," Echo said.

"We're all just stupid little science experiments! We don't mean anything to anyone. Especially now after the Clone War has ended. We only meant something to each other, and now even that's gone. You think this doesn't hurt me? It probably hurts every one of you but you're all too self-centered to show it!" she continued, before she started coughing into her hand.

"Whoa whoa, Omega, are you alright?" Cid asked.

"Yes I'm fine, I just feel sick that's all. I'm going to head back to the ship. You guys do whatever you want with the job. But don't take the fact I'm here into consideration," she finally said, before she walked out of the bar, the rest of the room still stunned, to the point where the room was so quiet they could hear a pin drop.

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