xii. domino squad

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domino squad

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tw: war flashbacks, mentions of depression, mentions of self harm, mentions of alcoholism, and mentions of suicide

italics are used for flashbacks in this chapter. 


"What happened to Rex?" Wrecker asked.

"He said he needed some time to himself," Tech replied. "I do need to talk to him though, so I hope he's going to be back soon."

"Talk to him about what?"

"About Omega. I don't know what the best way to break the news to her, and I thought he might have an idea."

"I can go find him."

"No, don't do that. Like I said, he said he needed time."

"Did something happen between him and Hunter?"

"Honestly, I don't know. They could've just talked, or gotten into a screaming match and I wouldn't have known. They were too far from where we were to hear them. The only thing I heard was a gunshot, but neither of them were hurt so I assumed there was no attempted murder that took place. It probably went off by accident."

"You put way too much thought into that," Wrecker replied. "Anyways, I'm right here. Why do you have to talk to Rex but not me?"

"I guess I could."

"Hey guys," Rex said, coming into the room. "Sorry for leaving so abruptly, I had something I needed to take care of."

Tech let out a sigh of relief, turning around to look at Rex. "You didn't miss anything, don't worry. I do need to talk to you about something though."

"Hey," Wrecker muttered, sounding offended. "I thought you were finally going to let me have a say on something for once."

"Yeah, well, change of plans."

"What is it, Tech?" Rex asked, rolling his eyes at Tech's statement.

"How are we going to tell Omega she has cancer?"

"That's not what I was expecting you to ask," Rex said. "I thought you were going to talk about Hunter and Echo's mission or something of the sort."

"Well, we're going to have to tell her somehow."

"Why don't we just tell her straightforwardly?" Wrecker asked.

"If I was going to do that, I wouldn't have needed to talk to you guys, would I?" Tech responded.

"But Wrecker is right," Rex replied. "What other way is there to tell her?"

"Maybe a way that's a little gentler? She's only thirteen Rex."

"Look," Rex continued. "I don't have much experience in the medical field. But, I think the only way to tell someone that they have an illness is that they have that illness. So just listen to Wrecker, okay?"

"Ugh, fine," Tech said, starting to walk out of the room.

"See, sometimes I can be right," Wrecker said proudly.

"Yes, what would we do without you Wrecker?"

All three exited the room, and went to the room where Omega was, to tell her what happened.

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