xxxii. battle scars

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╭ ─┉───── • ─────┉─ ╮


battle scars

╰ ─┉───── • ─────┉─ ╯

tw: gore (not violence)


"That was easy," Echo said.

"Too easy."

"Did you guys get the spice?" Tech asked Hunter through their comm links.

"Affirmative. We retrieved the..." Hunter said, his voice fading out. "Goddamn it."

"What? What is it?" Tech asked.

"The pykes are here."


"What do we do?"

"Uh," Hunter said, trying to think of a plan.

The pykes definitely saw them. A group of them were at the other end of the ramp, the opposite direction of where they had come from. They had completely ignored them, as if they were giving them a head start. It seemed like their chance to have a head start was over though, since the group of pykes started coming toward them.

"Run," Hunter muttered.

"What?!" Echo yelled, not being able to hear him from the loudness of the mines.


The three clones started running towards the exit of the mine, then down the long hallway, to the other mine.

"Really? This was your best plan?" Echo asked Hunter while they were still running down the hallway.

"Think of one better, I dare you."

"Guys it's the first mine we entered!" Omega yelled, coming to a halt. She put the passcode in that Hunter used for the previous mine, and it worked. She opened the door for the three of them, letting Hunter in first, then herself, then Echo, who was the one with the spice. This ramp was already unstable to begin with, and with a dolly full with six crates of spice, it was bound to become even more unstable. But, they had to hurry, the pykes were still after them. The ramp was broken into sections, and when Echo passed a certain section, near the end of the ramp, one side came loose, causing him to slip, losing control of the dolly, and dropping a crate of spice into the mines below.

"Echo!" Omega yelled.

"I'm fine," he said. "I'll hand you the crates. Then put them on the landing."

Hunter and Omega nodded. Echo gave the first crate to Omega, and while she was away putting it on the landing, Echo tried to give the next crate to Hunter, but he could only throw this one.

"Take this one," Echo yelled. "Catch."

"I can't," Hunter yelled back.

"What do you mean you can't?"

"Just give it to me regularly."

"I can't! A slightest shift in weight and this entire ramp goes down."

"Fine," Hunter said. Echo gently threw the crate to him, and he barely caught it. They did the same routine with the other three crates, while one person got another crate. After all the crates were on the landing, Omega and Hunter helped Echo get on the safe part of the ramp. Once they did, the section of the ramp that Echo was on went down, creating a gap in the ramp, which caused the pyke's time.

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