xiv. an old friend

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an old friend

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disclaimer: i'm not a medical professional. so i'm sorry i'm advance if some descriptions seem off. just go with it for the sake of the story. 


"We made it to Orondia," Echo said, bringing the ship out of hyperspace. "Barely."

"We'll get fuel and immediately head back to Bracca," Hunter said. "And we won't spend too much time on the god forsaken purple planet."

"I'm not lying. Purple planets are bad luck."

"Yeah yeah, they're just superstitions Echo. Plus, I thought you didn't even believe in that stuff."

"I got blown up on a purple planet."

"Was it this purple planet?"


"Then let's go. I can't let your silly superstitions let us die."

"I'm staying on the ship."

"No you're not."

"I came here didn't I? Now let me stay on the ship. You and Lux can go."

"Fine. Where are the credits?"

"In the back in the brown bag," Echo said. "Lux, make sure Hunter doesn't go buy brandy at the bar over there, will you?"

"Uh, okay?"


"Hey, I haven't drank in a while."

"Let's not start it up again."

"It's not like I was going to get a drink anyway."

"Just making sure, Hunter."

Hunter and Lux went down the ramp of the ship, meeting with the person who was going to refuel their ship.

"Can I help you?" the person asked.

"Yeah, we need fuel."

"500 credits."


"That's a deal. Plus, your hyperdrive is unstable. So that'll cost you extra."

"How do you know if the hyperdrive is unstable?" Hunter asked, before seeing that someone was already inspecting the ship. "Oh."

"I can do 500 for everything. That's final," the person said.

"Fine. Just because if we don't get fuel we'll die," Hunter replied, muttering the last part.

"You an alcoholic or something?" Lux asked Hunter, once the person went away.

"What?" Hunter asked, caught off guard by the question.

"Echo told me to make sure you don't go buy alcohol. Are you an alcoholic?"

"Why, of all questions, would you ask that?"

"It's what came to my mind."

"I used to be. Does that satisfy you?"

"Geez, sorry for asking."

"You should be."

Lux rolled his eyes, waiting with Hunter as the ship was being refueled. They saw a few shops pass by, but they didn't think much of it. After all, they were in the outer rim. So far in the outer rim in fact, it was basically uncharted space. No one would track them all the way out here. Back in the ship, Echo slouched in the pilot's chair, keeping watch, to make sure no bounty hunters or anything came near them. He saw a ship that landed pretty far away, but close enough that he could see that the ship looked familiar. Extremely familiar. He stood up and looked out the window, trying to see who it was. Then he remembered. He remembered why it looked so familiar.

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