xi. ARC trooper CT-1409

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ARC trooper CT-1409

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ARC Trooper: CT-1409

Nicknamed: "Echo"

Group: Domino Squad


*3 years earlier*

"We're troopers now!" Fives said, doing a little victory dance once they reached their barracks.

"Yeah, and what's our first mission?" Hevy said, sitting down on his bunk.

"Watching the scopes on an outer rim moon twenty-four seven," Fives replied, sighing.

"Which is?"

"The most boring job we could've gotten assigned to."

"Shaak Ti said it's the most important assignment," Echo interrupted, walking into the room.

"Echo, I swear to god," Fives started to say. "If you don't shut up-"

"I'm just restating what the general said."

"Yes, we heard her already. Why do you think we call you Echo?"

"Well at least my nickname is a little more original than yours. You really couldn't come up with something better than 'Fives?'"

"Just because my number is CT is special and unique, unlike yours, doesn't mean my name is unoriginal."

"Look, your guys' names and the fact that this mission is important doesn't change the fact that the mission is going to be boring as hell."

"It's good practice," Echo replied. "You wouldn't want to be thrown into a mission at the Citadel right away, would you?"

"Echo is right," Cutup said, joining the conversation. "We just became troopers, barely. They almost put us on the maintenance crew. So let's just be grateful for the opportunity we have."

"Hey, I wasn't complaining," Droidbait said. "If anything, what if something goes wrong? What if we don't make it back alive?"

"What do you mean?" Fives asked. "Like, you'll actually become droid bait?"

"Shut up," Echo said. "Don't jinx anything."

"Hey, Echo, how much do you want to bet that we're the only two that will make it back alive?"

"I said don't jinx it, Fives."

"You don't really believe in those silly superstitions, do you?"

"No, I don't. But better be safe than sorry," Echo said. "Now, look. We're going to go to the Rishi moon, follow orders, and not get in trouble. And we'll all make it back alive."

"If the separatists don't decide they want to invade," Hevy said.

"And if they do," Echo continued. "We'll be ready for them. We'll stick together, and work together. No arguing. And we'll still make it out alive."

"That's the best case scenario," Cutup said. "War is dangerous. Nothing is ever a given."

"We can still be optimistic."

"You usually aren't the optimistic type."

"Maybe Echo is turning a new leaf or something," Droidbait said.

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