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q: how many chapters will aftermath: life debt be?

a: 47 chapters plus the prologue and epilogue

q: how did you get the idea for aftermath: life debt?

a: this one is quite a long story. in november 2021, i was bored during my fall break, and i had a small idea, but i didn't really know what to do with it (like how to end it). so i made this account, solely to write this book. however, as i couldn't figure out where it was going, so i unpublished after writing only the prologue and first chapter. and it just stayed in my drafts for a long time. but, in the summer of 2022, i had just finished reading a book, and for some reason, i just started to get ideas after ideas for this book. so, i starting storyboarding the first act, having completely revamped this story. and i couldn't be more grateful with all the support i'm getting. so yeah, i guess you can blame boredom for this books existence. 

q: what's your favorite chapter of aftermath: life debt?

a: 42 has the best writing

q: did you change the characters personality's from the show?

a: slightly. the show is kid friendly (season 2 not as much), but for the most part, i kept the characters personality traits pretty much the same (techs smart, wreckers dumb, etc.)

q: how many covers do you have?

a: for this book i think i've made four covers so far.

q: how did you make the character aesthetics?

a: i use canva.

q: what's your favorite part of the story?

a: good question. honestly, the talk between echo and rex in chapter 16 is something i'm really proud of. i think that's some of the best dialogue i've written. however, i loved writing chapter 18 because it was so fun strategizing their plan. and 42 is the most well written

q: we're the characters difficult to write?

a: for the most part, not really. however, writing hunters downfall was probably the hardest part, because i didn't want it to seem i added it just to add it.

q: do you foreshadow future events in aftermath: life debt in previous chapters?

a: yes, i have, a lot of times. however, none of those events have taken place yet so i won't be spoiling.

q: what's the best way to deal with writers block?

a: for this book specifically, i'll just rewatch and episode of bad batch and i'll get motivation again.

q: are there any deleted scenes?

a: quite a few actually, but the major ones that come to my mind is a part from chapter 7 and a part from chapter 19 that i deleted. also, chapter eleven was originally supposed to be a flashback about rex, not echo. there's a lot of minor things that got edited out (like dialogue) but those are the main things.

will there be a sequel?

a: i debated making a sequel for a long time, however, i decided that it wasn't needed.

q: is aftermath: life debt available on any other platforms?

a: aftermath: life debt is available here, on wattpad, and it's also available on ao3. and, as a surprise, it will also be available soon on fanfiction.net

if you have any other questions, please comment them below!!

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