xxv. kamino

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tw: mentions of alcoholism and depression 


"If we do any more experiments on her, it'll kill her," Nala Se said. "Her body can't handle it, at least not right now. We've done too many experiments already."

"All clones are expendable," the prime minister continued. "This includes your little science experiment."

"She isn't just a science experiment," Nala Se said, trying to persuade the prime minister.

"What would you call her then? She's a clone, but she isn't a soldier. She's a science experiment. You need to get over your attachment with her. Start the experiment immediately."

"You don't understand," Nala Se continued. "If the mask doesn't work, she could die. And if she doesn't it could lead to long term health problems in the future that are incurable."

"Like what?"

"Severe asthma, or in worse cases, lung cancer."

"But the mask won't fail. The gas only affects droids, not clones."

"Then why are we testing this out in the first place?"

"Just in case."


Omega sat in the corner of the cell she was in when the Kaminoans ran tests on her. On that day, she had already been through five tests, praying that she didn't have to go through another one.

"Please," she muttered, teardrops rolling down her cheeks. "Please please please."

She heard the door to the cell slide open, revealing Lama Su standing in the door frame, with Nala Se behind him.

"Let's go," he ordered.

"Not another one," Omega whispered so quietly that he could barely hear her. "Please not another one."

"Stop crying about it and let's go."

The three of them walked through the various hallways that practically made a maze. Lama Su led Nala Se and Omega into a room, split in half by a wall of glass. Nala Se opened a cupboard and gave her a mask.

"Put this on," Nala Se calmly said, trying not to worry Omega.

"What's going on?" Omega asked. She had never gone through a test like this before, and she was scared.

"Don't ask questions, just hurry up," Lama Su said, frustrated. Omega put the mask on, and walked into the other half of the room, behind the glass. Once everything was secure, she was confused as to what was going on. She could feel the oxygen in her lungs escape, almost as if she had breathed in a toxic gas. Omega pounded against the glass with her fist, screaming for help, with no response. They obviously couldn't hear her through the glass, but they could see her suffering.

"That's enough, Lama Su," Nala Se said, trying to put a stop to the tests. "The mask isn't protecting her properly! You said this wouldn't fail."

"It won't."

"It clearly is!"

Omega fell to her knees, accepting her fate. Her hand, which was pressed against the glass, fell to her side. She looked down to the floor, a tear slowly rolling down her cheek. Why was her life like this? That's all she wanted to know.

aftermath: life debt | the bad batchحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن