xxxi. the spice run

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the spice run

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"Thanks for everything, Kix," Hunter said. Tech had since been discharged from the medical facility, and was feeling much better than he had been before. They were near their ship, almost ready to take off.

"No problem," Kix said. "And if there's anything you guys ever need again, don't hesitate to come here."

"Thank you," Hunter replied. "But we better get going. We have a mission to do."

With that, Kix and the squad said their goodbyes, and prepared the ship for takeoff. Once the ship was in space, Tech set the coordinates for Kessel, so they could finally complete the spice mission. Hunter knew the dangers of Kessel and the spice mines, and he knew, to avoid being captured, and possible death, that they needed a good plan. A solid plan, one that they couldn't go off track with. But first, he needed to know the specific information of the planet. And he knew just the person to ask.

"Alright Tech," Hunter started. "Give me information on the spice mines of Kessel."

"They are literally just spice mines," Tech said.

"Okay, and what about them?"

"What about what?"

"The mines!"

"Oh, I don't know."

"You are a living database, shouldn't you know everything?" Gregor asked.

"No, that's Echo," Tech said, back to his old ways of being stubborn. Deep down, it felt good to have him back again, but on the surface, they were all frustrated with the way he was acting, because they needed to create a plan to extract the spice and get the hell out of there without being found by the people who ran the place.

"Just stop being stubborn and tell us what you know," Hunter ordered.

"Ugh, fine," Tech said. "The spice mines are on Kessel, as everyone knows. The planet Kessel has a hot and humid climate, and is located within the Akkadese Maelstrom in the Kessel sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Much of the planet's northern hemisphere is devoted to mining spice, coaxium, and kesselstone. While much of Kessel's surface is devoted to mining those minerals, Kessel's southern hemisphere was home to lush sanctuaries."

"I asked about the spice mines on Kessel, not the planet itself," Hunter said, frustrated with Tech's reluctant answer. "Would you just get to your point already?"

"I'm getting there. I would have gotten there, if you didn't so rudely interrupt me."

"Then continue, and get to your point," Echo said, also getting frustrated. "This better be quick."

"The spice mines of Kessel, were a series of labor camps on the planet Kessel, where slaves from various species were forced to mine a medicinal spice mineral into a dangerous drug. These mines are known as "The Dark" to veteran miners. Spice mining was extremely dangerous, and slaves were thus used as expendable labor. Life expectancy for humanoid species was two to three years. The Yaruba Family of Kessel, which is the royal family of Kessel, turned a blind eye to the harvesting of spice on their world, living in luxurious sanctuaries in the southern hemisphere of the planet, while the spice mining took place in the northern hemisphere. Spice mining is accomplished via the use of deep pits, mine shafts, and massive refineries. We want to go to spice mine K76, since according to my records, it's the mine that is the least guarded, and we'll be more likely to steal a sufficient amount of spice there."

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