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"CT-9901, we meet again."

Hunter sighed, rolling his eyes.



"You came back to Bracca, huh? So predictable. I would have thought Tech tried to convince you to stay as far away from here as possible, since he is the smart one."

Hunter didn't answer, and instead just looked at the floor. Filled with trash, metal scraps, anything you can think of really. The scraps of the metal from the cruiser reminded Hunter of the clone war, and how they all used to be brothers. They still were, but things had really taken a turn for the worst.

"So, you're just not going to answer me, CT-9901?"

"You know my name. When you call me by that, then maybe I'll answer."

"You mean the little nickname that the other clones gave you during the time of the republic?"

"Don't diminish its meaning. You have one too, Crosshair. These names were important to us. We wanted names instead of numbers, not the other way around."

"Your number is your name," Crosshair said. "And from now on you'll call me CT-9904. Understood?"

Hunter scoffed. "Hell no. Why should I listen to you?"

"You would if you knew better. Speaking of which, where is everyone? I know it's not just you and CT-9903. Oh, and who's that?" Crosshair asked, looking at Gregor. "Am I mistaken, or is that CC-5576?"

"The name is Gregor."

"CC-5576," Crosshair repeated. "After all the stunts you pulled, especially on Daro, you're highly valuable to the empire now."

"Yeah yeah," Gregor replied. "So is every clone that went against your stupid little empire. Nothing new."

"I suggest you rephrase that," Crosshair hissed.

"Fuck off."

Crosshair rolled his eyes, and looked back at Hunter. "So what happened to CT-1479 and CT-9902? You better tell the truth. Or else."

Hunter sighed, and looked at the floor. He knew couldn't tell the truth. The plan would fail if he did. He looked back up at Crosshair, but then looked past him, seeing Echo. Echo gave Hunter a thumbs up, meaning that all the explosives have been planted on the ship. Then, Hunter knew what to say.

"Tech's dead, Crosshair," Hunter started. "Died in a crash. The marauder crashed. We've been stranded here ever since. And when we removed the inhibitor chip from Omega's head, she died from the surgery. Is that enough for you? That both Tech and Omega are both dead because of you?"

"Oh, Hunter," Crosshair said, shaking his head. "It's so obvious when you're lying."

"What makes you think I'm lying?"

"I just know."

"Prove it," Hunter replied.

Crosshair turned around, and looked at his troopers. "Wolffe. Cody. Take a squadron and check the original coordinates. Let's make sure he isn't lying," Crosshair said, gesturing at Wolffe and Cody. "I need the girl alive. You can do whatever is necessary with CT-9902."

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