xiii. rescue

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"We're here," Echo said, bringing the ship out of hyperspace. "Any final thoughts on the plan?"

"I think you made the plan pretty clear," Hunter replied. "Land on the same island as last time, find Bonteri, get back to the ship, and leave. Without drawing any attention."

"Exactly. Good job for listening."

"Except that the plan is too simple."

"What do you mean? It's not like they'll be waiting for us."

As they got closer to the planet, they saw a blue hue covering the atmosphere of the planet, contrasting from its usual green hue. Then they saw it. A small metal circle which was the blue color. Except it was just a color. It was a shield. A barrier. Preventing anyone from going in the planet without proper clearance.

"You were saying?" Hunter asked.

"Shut up."

"They were waiting for us. They put the entire base on lockdown."

"No problem," Echo said. "I can mask the ship as an imperial ship. Easy."

"You can do that?"

"I've done it before. There, now when the empire scans the ship, we'll be a Lambda class T-4a shuttle."

"How did you do that so quickly? That's one of the highest ranking ships on the imperial database."

"I just did," Echo replied, bringing the ship closer to the checking point. "And plus, our ship looks closest to that."

"What's your clearance code?" someone asked over their intercom in the ship.

"We're here on special orders from Tarkin. We have a rebel." Echo said, trying not to sound suspicious.

"Okay, what's your clearance code?"

"Look, sir, this is urgent. We don't have time for that. Take it up with Tarkin himself."

"I can only assume you don't know your clearance code, which I will have to report to the authorities. Plus, you do sound a lot like a clone. So it leaves me no other option than to report you as committing treason."

"Just let us in, I'll tell you the code after," Echo said, trying to sound a little different.

"Fine. But take this as a warning."

"Thank you."

The shield opened partially, just enough to allow them in. They entered the planet, trying to locate the island they had landed on last time, as that's where Lux has escaped to. They managed to slip through the shield, without being detected or seen by any imperials. They descended slowly so that they wouldn't be suspicious, but once they made it through the shield, however, they quickly went through the atmosphere of Wasskah, avoiding any trouble. Echo located the island they were on last time, and they headed straight for it. They landed safely, unlike last time, where they almost crashed the ship. Once they landed, Echo grabbed the artillery off the floor from where he had dumped it earlier, giving Hunter and himself the necessary weapons to complete this mission.

"Good luck," Echo said, opening the ramp for them to exit the ship.

"Same to you."

Steam came from above the ramp, as they went down, reaching the dense, humid forest that had overtook this island.

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