xvii. bounty hunters

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bounty hunters

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"It's about time you came here. We have a ship on our scopes," Tech said, addressing Hunter.

"Shit," Hunter said, walking into the bridge of the abandoned cruiser. "Is it close?"

"It just landed."

"How long have you been tracking it?"

"Fifteen minutes. Maybe twenty."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"You were talking to Omega."

"Tech, I swear to god-"

"What's going on here?" Rex said, walking in.

"Tech said there's a ship that just landed near us."

"Let me see," Rex said. He went over to where Tech was, and looked at the data that Tech had received. "Well, it looks like we're either in really big trouble or we're in luck. It depends."

"It depends on what?" Hunter asked.

"It depends whether Fennec Shand is here to help us, or hunt us down."

"That's Fennec Shand's ship?" Hunter asked further.

Rex sighed. "Yes, it is. We better put this ship on lockdown."

"What about Omega?"

"We'll lock the door that leads into the medical wing. The rest of the ship is in such bad shape that she can get in from anywhere. So we'll just have to hide."

"And we better hurry," Tech interrupted. "I say we have five minutes, tops."

"Shit, are you serious?"

"Yes I'm serious," Tech said, standing up. "Let's move."

"Wait," Rex said, pushing Tech back down.

"What?" Tech asked.

"The ship is empty," Rex said. "She's probably already here. So, let's cut down the five minutes to about thirty seconds."

"That's great," Tech said. "Hunter, go shut off the lights. Then, hide."

"Is everything okay?" Lux asked, coming into the room.

"They're still here?" Tech asked.

"Listen. Take Ahsoka, and go hide in the ship. It's outside. It's a modified ship. You'll see it."


"Don't ask questions."

Lux nodded and left the room. Hunter went to shut off the lights, and Rex and Tech hid. Rex hid behind a door that had fallen, but was propped up against a chair, and Tech hid underneath a table. Once Hunter shut off the lights, he hid behind the same door as Rex.

"Where the hell is Echo?" Hunter asked Rex.

"He's somewhere. He said he needed some time alone. Where's Wrecker?"

"He's with Gregor somewhere. They went to look for any weapons that were abandoned with the cruiser. No where near here though," Hunter whispered.

The room was so quiet that they could hear a pin drop. As time went on, they started to hear footsteps coming from the hall, getting louder as they drew nearer. As Fennec walked in, she switched the lights on, seeing no one there. She decided that she would just talk, until one of them decided to show themselves.

"Congratu-fucking-lations," they all heard Fennec say. They stayed quiet. "You managed to have the empire, the entire Trandoshan population, the pyke syndicate, Cad Bane, and a whole bunch of other bounty hunters after you. How the actual fuck did you manage to do that?"

"I'll talk to her," Hunter whispered to Rex. "You stay here."

"Hunter, no," Rex whispered back, but it was too late.

"So I'm assuming you're here to get us too? To give us over to the empire?"

Fennec laughed. "No, I'm not actually. I'm here to help you guys."

"Prove it," Hunter said, pointing his gun at her. "Put down all your weapons."

"I came unarmed."

Hunter lowered his gun. "Alright. Guys, you can come out now, it's fine."

"Yeah we heard the whole conversation dipshit," Rex said.

"I can only stay for a little. I have word of what the empire is trying to do to you guys. I was assigned to bring you back, but I'd rather help you guys," Fennec said, addressing the group.

"Get to your point," Rex said.

"Alright, alright. I'll just say it. They know where you are. Down to the exact coordinate. Because of the inhibitor chip that was in Omega's head. They lost signal with it, but it was here long enough for them to know that they know you're still here. They're coming for you. They're all coming for you. It's good I got here first. Otherwise you guys would most likely be dead."

"Well, then how do we let them know that we're not here?"

"Look. They'll be here in a few days. I'll let them know you guys aren't at this location. But I can't guarantee they won't check. The rest is up to you guys."

"Thank you."

Fennec didn't reply, and instead took out a recording device. "I checked the coordinates you sent. They aren't here. I searched everywhere. They might've moved. I'm not sure," she said into the device, and then put it away. "There. I'll send that to the empire. That should do the trick. Now, where's my credits."

"What do you mean?" Tech asked.

"Did you really think I was giving you this intel for free?"

"You did say you were helping us."

"You know, I could turn you in right now..."

"Nope, you don't have to do that," Hunter said. "I'll get you your credits."

"Great. Then I'll be on my way. I can't stay here for long anyway, they'll get suspicious."

Hunter gave Fennec the credits, then she left the cruiser. Rex left as well, but instead went back to the ship, to tell Ahsoka and Lux everything is alright.

"Everything's fine," Rex said. "She just wanted to help us."

"One of the best bounty hunters just wanted to help you?" Lux asked.

"How did you know it was Fennec Shand?"

"We saw her," Ahsoka replied. "When we walked out, she walked in. We had to hide really fast."

"Oh," Rex muttered. "But yeah, I guess she just wanted to help. You guys can come back in now."

"I don't think we will," Ahsoka replied.

"Why? What happened?" Rex asked.

"We have things to do. If there's anyone more valuable to the empire than clones that didn't execute order 66 it's jedi. I can't stay in one place for very long. I'm sorry Rex."

"No, I understand. Completely. Just stay safe out there, alright?"

"I will."

They all left the ship, Ahsoka and Lux heading to their ship, and Rex heading back to the group, or at least the members that were on the bridge at the moment.

"At this point, I'm not even sure what to do anymore," Hunter said, sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Well, what do you suggest?" Tech asked, sarcastically.

"One thing is for certain," Rex responded. "We need a plan. And a hell of a good one too. Fast."

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