xxxviii. howzer

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As the battered shuttle they managed to negotiate for on Nal Hutta descended through the thick layers of Daro's atmosphere, clone force 99 braced themselves for the mission that lay before them. Inside the cabin, the nervous tension was noticeable, each member of the team grappling with their own thoughts and fears.

Daro was a remote planet tucked away in the far reaches of the galaxy. Its surface was a patchwork of rugged terrain, from sprawling deserts of shifting sands to towering mountain ranges. The planet's atmosphere was tinged with an eerie haze, casting a surreal glow over the landscape, as if the very air itself held secrets long forgotten.

It was a world filled with danger, where the line between life and death was often thin. Only the bravest dared to venture into its depths, and even fewer returned from said venture. But for the bad batch, the risks were necessary, for within Daro's forbidding landscape lay the key to freeing their brother from the clutches of the lurking tyranny of the empire.

"We all know the plan, right?" Hunter asked the group, which was quiet throughout the trip.

"Yes," they all answered in unison, or at least a similar variation to it.

"I would know because I was the one that came up with the damn plan," Gregor replied.

"I'm surprised you could actually come up with a cohesive plan," Echo responded.

"Well, when you're an inmate at a prison for a while, you start to learn the ins and outs of the prison."

"Let's go over it one more time," Rex reasoned. "So we all make sure that we have a clear plan."

"Right. We have to go in the back way, in order to not draw attention to ourselves. Rex and Omega will stay on the ship for the duration of the mission. We'll be in our respective disguises, Hunter and I in imperial uniforms and Echo as, once again, a droid," Gregor went over.

"Wonderful," Echo said sarcastically.

"Then it's simple. We navigate the maze of cells and security checkpoints until we're able to find Howzer's cell. We break him out by cutting the metal bars using a vibroknife, then we get the hell out of there. And whatever you do, do not look at the security cameras. They have facial recognition. That mostly goes for Hunter, since your face is very recognizable."

"Very funny," Hunter said, rolling his eyes.

As the shuttle touched down on the barren surface of Daro, clone force 99 sprang into action, their training taking over as they prepared to infiltrate the heavily fortified prison facility where Howzer was being held captive. Gregor, Hunter, and Echo changed into their respective disguises, taking whatever weapons and additional supplies that would be necessary during the mission. They exited the ship, saying their temporary goodbyes to Omega and Rex, before setting off to find Howzer and rescue him from the torture of the empire.

The Daro prison stood as a grim monument to the empire's rule, its imposing structure looming over the desolate landscape like a monolithic fortress of despair, its dark spires reaching towards the heavens as if to defy the very stars themselves. Surrounded by jagged rock formations, towering walls of steel, and guarded by legions of stormtroopers, the facility seemed impenetrable to all but the most determined of intruders. Its walls, constructed from steel and reinforced with shielding, radiated an aura of menace.

aftermath: life debt | the bad batchNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ