xxxv. life on the line

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life on the line

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"You guys finally made it back," Cid said. "It took you long enough."

"We had to make a couple detours," Rex said. "But what's important is that everyone is healthy now."

"What do you mean by that?" Cid asked.

"Well first we had to take Tech to Obroa-Skai like you told us to be given the anecdote for the poison he had been given back on Bracca. Then, after we got the spice, we learned that Hunter's arm was severely burned, also from Bracca, and we had to amputate it, then go back to Obroa-Skai so Kix could fix it. Oh, and the clone that you know over there, his name is Kix. I served with him under the 501st during the clone war."

"Bandana, you got a fake arm now?" Cid asked.

"Yup," Hunter replied, holding up his metal arm. "Weird, I know."

"Where's the spice?" Cid asked, only wanting her bounty. Echo moved out of the way, and motioned his arm to the spice, as if he was presenting it.

"Four crates of spice, all yours," Echo said, presenting the spice to Cid. Hunter and Omega both looked at him in confusion, since

"Wasn't there five crates?" Tech asked.

"No, there were only four. We originally got six, but while escaping the mines, we lost two."

Hunter and Omega looked at each other with a confused look on their face, then back at Echo.

"We only lost one," Omega said, crossing her arms.

"I'm pretty sure I remember what I saw, and what I saw was that we lost two."

"It was one, Echo," Hunter said.

"Look," Echo continued. "There's only four crates here."

"Then what happened to the fifth one?" Hunter asked.

"It fell. Remember?"

"Whatever, Echo. I'm too tired to argue right now," Hunter replied, sitting down on one of the barstools.

"I needed at least five crates," Cid said.

"We had five crates," Omega said.

"Had doesn't mean that that's what you guys presented me with. Here I only see four. Which means you guys will be paid less."

"Oh, come on, Cid," Hunter said.

"Can't. Sorry," Cid said, shrugging her shoulders. "I'll pay you what the four crates were worth. Now, do you want another job or not?"

"Ye-" Tech started to say, before being interrupted by Echo.

"We aren't taking anything else right now," Echo said. "We have other things to attend to."

"Like what?" Tech asked Echo, crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair.

"He's right," Rex said. "We have a plan for the future. We'll discuss that when we get back on the ship."

"One more job can't hurt," Tech said.

"It will," Hunter said. "Let's head back to the ship. Cid has what she wants, and we have our money. Well, some of it. Let's just go. There's no use wasting any more time here."

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