Staying |11|

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Who's ready for the flashback to see Devin and Avery's past??!



Avery has made a whole week into recovery and she's slowly getting better, not nearly as quick as she wanted but she was moving in the right direction.
Devin had been by her side for the whole process, making sure he kept his distance, he was there as a friend.

They were sitting at her house, she had just gotten done with physical therapy, something that always drained her energy, she would wake up, do a half an hour of physical therapy and go back to bed for hours.
Devin draped a blanket over her while pulling out the food they picked up on the way home.

"How are you feeling beautiful?"

"You know when I said it felt like I got hit by a car?"

Devin rolled his eyes playfully already knowing where this was going. "Yes?"

"Still the same"

He laughed at her ability to keep her sense of humor in such a time, turning on the TV, he started searching 'the gladiator' on Netflix.

"I am begging you to pick something else"
He looked behind him to see her eyes still closed amazed at how she knew.

"I'm scared to ask... but how?"

She quickly opened her eyes giving him a "duh" look.

"You pick that movie every time and I don't even think you like it you just know I hate it!"

He laughed "busted"

"Fine but we are not watching any of your white girl shows"

"I don't watch white girl shows" she rolled her eyes.

An hour later Avery was curled up against Devin's side while modern family was playing, he had an annoyed look on his face.

"This show isn't even funny"

"Please... why do you always want to hurt me?"

They both laughed at her statement.
He lifted his arm putting it around her, Avery was barely awake for any of the show, she couldn't stay awake long enough to finish an episode but Devin still left it on for when she would wake up.
Her food was still in front of her, she never found the energy to actually eat it like many days, she only eats a very minimum amount which has led to her losing weight she shouldn't be.

Devin took notice, he gently lifted a piece of food to her mouth.
"Come on you need to eat"

"I'm not hungry" she whined moving her mouth away from his hand.

"Come on, you need the food to get better"

She kept turning her head back and forth trying to get away as a toddler would.

"Hey kiss me"

"Dev-" she opened her mouth just for a piece of quesadilla to be shoved it her mouth.

He laughed "sorry but it had to be done"

"I feel like there were better ways" she complained while sitting up.

He smiled at her while she gave him a dirty look.
Even if she was mad he still enjoyed being with her.


Devin woke up with Avery's arms wrapped around his torso, he smiled looking down at her. He saw on the TV it was 3 AM even though Avery's parents, sisters, and Zoe were staying with her Devin still didn't want to leave her, he felt nobody would take care of her like he could as selfish as it sounded.

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