Caught and exposed |4|

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Hello readers!!

I have some questions and want to know the answers.

Now that I'm rewriting where do you think this book is gonna go?

Do you support Avery and Devin?

I'm curious to hear your thoughts and theories so please share them!

Now on with the story!


(News article)
Kendall Jenner tweets her new ex-boyfriend while In the NBA bubble.
Jenner has been spotted multiple times with Phoenix Suns star Devin booker but recently put an end to all rumors when tweeting "have fun f***ing your physical therapist." I think it's safe to assume who that tweet was to and if we didn't need any more confirmation booker retweeted "thanks I plan to." This could cause major problems for booker and his physical therapist with these now-deleted tweets.

"How did you think this would affect your job? It's pretty clear you are not as dedicated to your work as you previously stated..." the chubby dark-haired man said.
He was head supervisor of the entire Phoenix Suns franchise and was there when Avery was hired.

"Sir-" Avery tried to speak before being cut off by Devin.

"So you plan to punish her because of a tweet from somebody who isn't even here and doesn't know her? I mean you can do whatever you want Greg but that works both ways.
So when you fire her for a tweet be ready for the biggest lawsuit of your life."
Devin was very firm with his words and wasn't ready to back down.

"Devin... we apologize but this is a serious matter, but what she does affects our name just as much as her own" the supervisor started to go back on his words knowing the power Devin held in this team.

One wrong word and Devin would be gone, with him would go their fame, without the big name prices decrease. That ladies and gentlemen is what you call the domino effect.

"I know it is that's why it is incredibly out of line for you to accuse her of putting her relationship before her work. You owe her an apology" Avery looked at Devin in disbelief of what she was hearing.

He looked to the woman next to him to see if Devin was serious.

"I-i truly apologize Ms. Niles for the mistake this will not happen again." The man said before excusing himself from us.

They both turned our attention back to the woman still sitting at the desk, she just gave us a small smile before speaking.

"I don't care you guys are sleeping with each other just keep it private, okay?"
Avery sat almost speechless, how in the world did she end up here.

"We are not sl-" she was cut off by  Devins laugh which made the whole thing even more embarrassing.

"Always appreciate you" he smiled

"Now get out of my office" the lady joked.

Devin grabbed Avery's hand after getting up, they walked out into the empty hallway to make their way back to each of their rooms.

"You're welcome by the way," Devin says with a cocky smirk.
"Every day you don't get beat up is a miracle"
Devin faked being hurt while he continued to walk to the room with her hand in his.
"How do you figure?"

She looked down seeing their hands connected, she quickly retracted her hand.

"You expect everybody to do what you want and only your way"

"That couldn't be more wrong"

Avery snickered "Do you not remember being suspended in college and had your dad talk to the coach until he FINALLY gave in and let you play?"

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