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Luke's P.O.V
Recap: "A-a-a-a.. Anthonio," I spat out through loud sobs. As I said that I heard her drop the phone and starting screaming.
Kahnesha'a P.O.V
I slowly start to open my eyes. My head is pounding. I look up to see a dark shadow in the far left corner. I jumped at the sight but my hands and legs were strapped to something, pulling me back. I look down to see I'm strapped to a chair. Ignoring the excruciating pain in my neck I finally spoke,

"Wh..Wh, where am I ?" I asked cautiously. The shadow rose and started coming my way. I freaked out and started trying to move backwards instead the chair fell backwards and I hit my head really hard. The foot steps got louder as the shadow ran to my side.

"You're so stupid, don't do that," he spoke then slapped my face really hard. It was at this moment that I realised who it was.

"Anthonio," I say weakly before blacking out.

Luke's P.O.V
"A-a-a-a-a-a anthonio, he he he has her. I just know it," I spit out trough loud sobs.
I was sitting on Jess' lounge. I had somehow gotten my way to her house.

"Are you sure? There is no one else that you think it could be?" She asked hopefully. Ashton was sitting next to her with a hopeful emotion on his face.

"No! It has to be him. He said he was coming for us," I spat out. "I i-i-i-i-i I just wish this hadn't of happened, she doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve me," I spit out before I start bawling my eyes out.

"Mate don't say that. Everything will b," Ashton started.

"Everything will be alright. That's all anyone can say. What if it isn't. What if he is bashing her right now? We can't do anything about it. What if everything isn't alright Ashton? What if he kills her? I can't live knowing I could do nothing about that. I just can't," I spat out. "I can't stand being here, in this house. I have to leave. I'm sorry," I say before getting up and leaving. The tears start to roll down my cheeks. How could this of happened ?

Anthonio's P.O.V
She finally woke up. After about an hour of waiting. Now the fun shall begin.

"Wh..Wh, where am I ?" She asked cautiously. I move forwards, out of the shadows. As I so she freaks and makes the chair fall. GOD DAMMIT! I run to her side.

"You're so stupid, don't do that," I say then slap her face really hard.

"Anthonio," she says before blacking out.
-little while later-
"WAKE UP!" I yell while slapping her face, trying to make her wake up. This doesn't work so I continuously do it over and over again till she gains consciousness.

"My face hurts," she weakly complains while rubbing her face. I slap her face again.

"Don't complain you piece of shit!" I yell at her. She continues to rub her face.

"What do you want from me Anthonio ?" She questioned not looking at my face.

"Look me in the eye and ask me that question," I say and smirk.

She looks up at me and opens her mouth to speak, "what do you want?" She says viciously.

"I told you that if you left me I would find you and get revenge didn't I? Well that's what I'm doing," I say and smirk again.

"Luke will look for you and when he finds you I can assure you that he will kill you if you hurt me. You won't get away with this," she spoke then spat at me.

I walk over to her and slap her, "be careful what you say, Kahnesha," I say in a very cocky tone. "And this Luke you speak of, he wouldn't stand a chance against me, he'd be dead in less than a minute," I finish.

"Don't be so sure of yourself Anthonio! He'll never let you get away with this!" She almost yells.

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