Twisted Plans and Secrets

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~Luke's POV~

I watch Ashton race out of the club and suddenly don't feel like celebrating anymore. The whole fiasco with Jess and Ashton has reminded me about my relationship. We haven't discussed about what happened with Antonio. So what, she wakes up, then what? I have been waiting around so long for her and there is a chance she might never speak again.

I won't hear her laugh or sing or hear her tell me how annoying I can be or that she loves me more than anything, except Jess of course. It will be like she is a walking dead person, will I still love her if we can't even communicate? Of course, but how can a relationship continue if one person has gone through such a traumatising thing and can't even speak to get through it? How can I help her?

I shrug the thoughts out of my head, I push them away like I always do with things like this. If the thoughts are too horrible to think about, I just don't think about them.

"Luke? Hello?" A voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

Michael has his hand on my shoulder and is shaking it to get my attention.

"Sorry, what?"

"I asked if you knew why Ashton had left? Where's Jess? What happened?"

I briefly explain what happened and we both agree it would be best to go find Ashton an help him out. We get Calum, Emma and Rebecca before we leave the club, after telling them about what had happened.

"Do you know where Jess went?" Rebecca asked, her worries evident across her features.

"No idea," I mumble back.

"I'll call her, over there" Emma announces, pointing to the Club's parking lot.

"Do you want me to go with you you?" Calum asks. Emma agrees.

Calum and her walk away to call Jess, leaving Michael, Rebecca and I to worry about Ashton.

"So, you told him to go after Jess?" Michael says, rubbing his eye, obviously tired. Rebecca puts her arm around him and they cuddle.


"Where would she have gone?" Rebecca asks.

Michael and I look at each other and say in sync, "The hospital."

I offer to go to the hospital alone and Rebecca drives the slightly drunk and very tired Michael home. Calum and Emma couldn't get a hold of Jess, but I promise to text them if I find Jess at the hospital.

Calum offers to drive me there, before dropping Emma off at her house, and I accept graciously. I soon arrive at the hospital and quickly find my way to the waiting room. Thankfully I find Jess there and I feel a million weights taken off my shoulders.

~Jess' POV~

I think this is the worst night of my life. Wait, let me rephrase, this is definitely the worst night of my life. My boyfriend just broke up with me, because I was being a complete and utter bitch. Then, I kiss a guy I don't even like. Well maybe I do like Harry...ugh I can't keep up with my emotions.

I can't tell Harry I don't like him because his mum is in hospital and I don't want to add more stress on him. I'll just avoid him, that will buy me some time. I fumble with my watch and tap the ground aimlessly with the heel of my shoe. Ashton probably hates me now, actually I know he does. And the only person who I would talk to in this situation is in a freaking coma. Gosh darn Kahnesha!

Could my life get any worse?

The waiting room is almost empty, but I see someone familiar in the corner of my eye.

"Luke?" I ask standing up and walking over to where he is seated.

"Oh, Jess! How did I miss you? I must've been too deep in thought."

"It's okay," I mumble then reply, wiping the area under my eyes to make sure I don't look like I have been crying as much as I have.

"Do you need a hug?" Luke stretches his arms out.

I nod, feeling a few tears run down my cheeks.

"Shh..." Luke rubs my back. Kahnesha is so lucky to have him.

I begin to cry harder, but Luke's comforting hug and voice helps me calm down.

"Ashton told me what happened," Luke says, as we return to the waiting room's seats.

"I kissed him..." I say between sniffles.

"What? You're back with Ashton?"

"It wasn't Ashton," I reply quietly, turning away not wanting to see the look on Luke's face.

Suddenly I am snapped back into reality when I hear Harry's voice, "She deserves better than you anyway!"

"Harry, you're so dead!" I hear a voice scream back, a voice way too familiar. A voice I have grown to love too much for my own sake.


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