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Jess Introduction!

Hey I am Jess, I am 17 years of age! And I may or may not be obsessed with one direction and 5sos, imparticular the one and only Harry styles, but don't tell him that! *wink wink* Although I have tweeted him aproximately 243 times, but whose counting? Okay me! Anyways, I live in the centre of Hobart in a medium sized house with my roomate Kahnesha! She is my bestfriend and also is obsessed with 1D and 5sos. :-) I would do anything to meet them, have a conversation with them AND HUG THEM! OMG THAT WOULD BE LIKE A DREAM! Oh and I might secretly like Callum, but it's nothing major....but Kahnesha can't know.....don't ask why.....anyways, thats all from me! :-)

Kahnesha introduction!

Hi I'm Kahnesha, I'm also 17 years old ;). If you couldn't already tell I'm OBSESSED with One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer especially the extremely hot lead singer Luke Hemmings <3 <3 <3 I've probaly tweeted One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer around 269 times to come down and perform in Hobart for once and it finally worked and to make it better my two favourite bands are performing together :D Sooooooooo......... I'm living with my bestie for life the one and only Jess!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is like the best bestie ever. We both love One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer which is one of the many reasons on why we are besties for life. I may secretly have a crush on Harry Styles but he is Jess's and I wouldn't do that to her, anyway LUKE IS MINE!!! <3 <3 <3 I would literally kill someone to meet them.

Harry introduction! <3 <3

Hi loves, I am Harry and if you don't already know I'm 1/5 of the band One Direction, I'm the one with curly brown hair. I used to live in Chesire with my mum Anne and my stepdad Robin and my lovely sister Gemma. I worked in a bakery with lovely old ladies. Then in 2010 I tried out for the X-Factor UK. I got through to boot camp then when it came to the top 20 people to go through my name wasn't called out. I was devistated, heartbroken and feeling many other things. Then suddenly My name and four other boys names got picked out (Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn). And that's where this all began, we got through so many rounds but when it came to the semi finals we didn't get through but we still came 3rd which was good enough, well I would of loved to have came 1st and so would the other boys, but we still stuck together and here we are now 2014 traveling the world. Oh and to all you single ladies I'm single and ready to mingle *wink wink*. 

Luke introduction! <3 <3 <3

Hi my is Luke I'm the lead singer of 5 Seconds Of Summer and proud of it. I play guitar as well as sing :) Ashton, Calum, Michael and I are like brothers now thanks to this band. I'm from Sydney and I love Australia. I have two brothers Jack and Ben, they're both older than me :( My favourite tv show is How I met your mother, it is so awesome you should watch it. Oh and I LOVE PENGUINS!!!!!!!! So Ashton, Michael, Calum and I started busking on the street for petrol money and that is basically how it all happened. We are now this huge band with so many crazy and fantastic fans. Thank you guys so much for getting us here you are so amazing. Oh and I'm single so come at me ladies.


Thanks for reading the introductions hope it tells you a bit about the charactors if you didn't already know them. Oh Kahnesha and Jess aren't famous either it's just our names (writers of this story)  ;) Will be writing first chapter soon- Kahnesha and Jess

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