Broken Dreams

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"Fine," I mumble. My chest feels like it was just hit by a bus. I turn and walk away. Tears flowing down my cheeks.

Luke walks over to me. I try and hide my face, my tears still flowing.

"Hey, here's your drink," Luke says holding a drink out to me.

"Thanks Luke," I mutter through tears.

"Jess are you okay?" he says holding his arms out for a hug.

"Can you tell the others I am going home," I reply pulling away from the hug and walking as fast as I can out of the club.

I just broke up with Ashton, the man of MY dreams. He will be able to live through his dreams, but I just lost mine.
~Jess' POV~

I rush as fast as I can out of the crowded bar. I dodge numerous people drunkly standing around or attempting to dance, not well I might add.

Once I finally get outside of the bar I run a little more until I reach a nearby park outside of the hospital Kahnesha is currently staying in. I sit down on a vacant bench and pull my knees into my chest. I feel tears rush down my cheeks in a rapid stream.

Ashton and i were perfect, we are perfect together. Was I being insensitive and selfish? No, I have the right to get angry if he has signed a contract letting him, basically, cheat on me. I have been under a lot of stress with Kahnesha in the hospital, but I didn't expect him to break up with me.

I wipe the left over tears when I hear a voice.

"Jess?" I look up to see Harry standing in front of me.

"What?" I say angrily. How did even know I was here? He's such a stalker!

"I came out of the hospital to get some fresh air. Are you okay?" He asks sitting beside me. He slides his arm around my waist I shrug it off and move away from him.

"No Harry, I am not okay. Ashton just..." I feel tears streaming down my face and begin to sob. Harry pulls me into his arms and this time I don't fight it. He hugs me while I cry into his shoulder.

"Shh.." he hums quietly, while rubbing my back.

I slowly pull away after I regain my emotional stability. I wipe away my tears and turn away from Harry.

"Harry, why did you tell me about the contract?" I ask softly, taking a deep breath and turning back to him.

"I...I'm not sure. I just thought you needed to know, I'm sorry."

I shake my head, "It's fine," I mumble.

"I have just been under a lot of stress lately, with this tour and stuff," Harry replies with a smile.

Suddenly the urge to shout at him becomes to large to ignore.

"You have been stressed? My best friend could be dead right now and no one has asked me how I am. Everyone cares about Luke and his welfare, but who cares about Jess? Its only her best friend of 10 years. You don't understand stress Harry!" I shout angrily, tears brimming my eyes again. But I am too angry to let them spill.

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