Dates and Kisses (Part 1)

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Hey peeps thanks for the 104 reads we appreciate it alot and we hope you like this chapter. PLEASE COMMENT ? :D


~Luke's P.O.V~

I'm glad we came down to Tasmania, Australia to play a gig otherwise I never would have met Kahnesha, but I don't even wanna think about that.

Anyway, after the gig we went straight to our hotels, I was so tired but I couldn't sleep I was just too excited about the date with kahnesha tomorrow. Oh that reminds me, I have to go and talk to Louis about helping me organise it. I want it to be the BEST date she has and will ever be on because she really deserves it. At around 2am I fall asleep.



"Luke get your fat ass up!" I hear someone say. I open my eyes and see Calum standing infront of my bed.

"What time is it?" I ask sleepily.

"1pm, now go and get dressed. Don't you have a date to plan?" He reminds me.

"Oh Shit it's that late. I have to get to Louis' apartment before 3 so he can help me plan, Thank you Calum," I say as I rush out of bed to get some nice clothes and have a quick shower. I put on some nice smelling deodorant. I hope she likes it.

I rush down the stairs and yell "I gotta go. See you guys later," and shut the door behind me.

I'm such a lazy ass sometimes. Ok maybe most of the time.

I then remeber that I don't have a license, but Ashton does so I run back inside and ask him to drive me to their aprtment, luckily he says yes. 

"Thanks Ashton I owe you big time for this" I say as I get out of the car and go up to the door of their apartment. I ring the bell and Harry opens it.

"Looking good there," we both say in surprise and we laugh at our foolishness.

"Where is Louis? He is meant to be helping us plan our dates," I say to him.

"Oh the lazy ass is still in bed, want me to wake him for you ?" He asks enthusastically.

"Nah I can do it for myself, thanks for the offer though," I say and run up stairs to his bedroom. Yes I know this place in and out due to me spending a lot of time here with the Niall :)

I enter his room and start yelling his name until he wakes up. "Finally, sleepy ass is awake," I say jokingly but also seriously.

"Why did you wake me?" He asks obviously wishing I hadn't.

"You are meant to be helping Harry and I plan this date which is at 5 and it is now 2:05!!!!!" I say a bit angrily.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot, Sorry mate. It is only 2:05 though what is the rush?" Louis says while getting up and out of bed.

"Because I wanna make this the best date she has ever had and ever will," I say blushing.

"Aww thats cute, so you want it to be romantic and sweet???" he asks.

"Yes exactly," I say and smile widley at him. :D

"Ok and looking good," he says and winks at me.

"Thanks, do you think she will like what I am wearing?" I ask worriedly.

"She will love what you're wearing. Don't worry about it, I'm gonna make sure it will be the best date ever," he says encouragingly.

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