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So sorry I haven't updated in soooooo long! I've been busy with high school and crap. I'll try my best to upload one chapter every week! It's hard to think of ideas, also I've been moving so I haven't had time or Internet so I couldn't upload soooooooo soooooooo sorry guys. Love yahs -K
Kahnesha's P.O.V
"This party is the best," said Luke while handing me another drink of God knows what but what ever it is I love it.
"Hah thanks I'll be organising yours next I suppose," I say replying with a laugh. That didn't sound like a bad idea actually.
" I love you Kahnesha I just wanted to say that cause you never know something might happen at any time," he says and winks at me.
"I love you more Luke Hemmings," I say and kiss him.
"Why don't we go to my room?" I suggest.
"Sounds like a great idea," he says agreeing and adding a sexy wink.
I grab his hand and pull him into my room. I walk in and close the door. He slammed me against the wall kissing me roughly. We move our lips in sync. I bite his bottom lip making him moan loudly. I laugh. It got heated pretty soon. He sweeps his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entry which I happily granted. He tells me to jump which I do.
He lays me down on my bed not disconnecting our lips at all. I flip us over so I am in control. I start kissing his neck until I find his weak spot and start sucking on it to make my master piece.
"Wait, can we do this after my performance cause we're on in like 2 minutes?" Luke says making me frown.
"Are you sure you can wait that long babe?" I say kissing down his jawline.
"Babe please I have to go but I promise you after the performance I'll give you a night you won't forget," he says and winks.
"Fine," I say letting him get up.
We walk down the stairs so he can go set up.
"I have to pee I'll be out in time to see you perform, I wouldn't miss it for anything but 1," say and wink hoping he would get what I meant.
I walk into the toilet. To my surprise there was no line. I flush the toilet and walk out. I feel to arms wrap around me and cover my eyes.
"Guess who," said someone whose voice I couldn't figure out until it hit me,
"Anthonio," I scream.
"You sound happy to see me again," he says and I could feel the smirk on his face.
"Get away fro..." I start to say but he covers my mouth with a cloth. After a few seconds everything goes black.
Luke's P.O.V
'I can't just give up on Kahnesha no way, I love her to much to do that,'. I think to myself over and over while letting the tears heavily fall down my cheeks.
I've been searching for hours for Kahnesha and still, no sign :( Where could she have gone? She wouldn't just disappear and not tell me why. For all I know she could be kidnapped! Just thinking that that is possibly made me cry harder. Then all of a sudden I remembered 'Anthonio'. The brick he throw and broke my window with, the note 'I will get you,' everything.

"Oh crap," I screamed and pulled my phone out of my pocket as realisation kicked in. For all I know he could be bashing her right now or even worse, she could be dead, and I'm not there to save her.
"FUCK!" I scream again. I call Jess's number. It rang for a few seconds then she answered,
"Omg Luke where are you? We are so worried," she practically screamed through the phone in a croaky/weak voice indicating that she had been crying a lot.
"Aaaa.. Anthonio," I spat out through loud sobs. As I said that I heard her drop the phone and starting screaming.
So sorry this is short. I will make the next chapter longer I promise.

Drunken Disaster//5sos//1DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora