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"This morning we took some more cat scans of Kahnesha's brain and there has been more activity going on in her brain. This indicates to us that she will wake up in the next 48 hours," Dr Harvies says happily.

I hug Rebecca tightly and I feel a heap of weight being lifted off my shoulders. She's going to be okay, I'm not going to lose my best friend. This is definitely one of the happiest moments I have ever had in my entire life.

After a few minutes we leave Kahnesha to get more 'rest.' She's in a coma for god's sake how much 'rest' do the nurses think she needs?

"I think this calls for a celebration!" Calum squeals opening his arms to hug me.

I nod and turn away from him. He doesn't know I know, but that doesn't make it hurt less. He and the rest of his stupid band mates are about to ditch all of us. For what? Some stuck up supermodels? Good for them.

I just hope I can get through tonight without feeling the need to punch one of them. Stay calm, Jess.

~Luke's POV~

My phone beeps and I receive a text from Calum.

Hey, we're all going out tonight to celebrate Kahnesha's development. You should come, and maybe even apologise to Jess :)

I quickly reply with:

Are you sure that's a good idea, I mean she's still in her coma...

She would want us to, plus you deserve a break from being boyfriend of the year.

I smile at his comment.

Thanks, mate. Text me the address and I'll meet you there in 10.

Calum texts me the club we are going to and I ask my mum to drive me there. It's only a few minute drive away from the hospital.

I walk into the over-crowded bar and through all the madness find Michael's crazily coloured hair. I rush over to them.

"Hey Luke," Calum says happily.

I see Calum sitting next to Emma with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. Next to them is Michael and Rebecca whispering to each other. I expect to see another happy couple, but Jess is sitting there looking down at her phone with a sad look on her face.

I wave Calum over to me and he moves quickly to my side,

"Where's Ashton?" I ask quietly.

"He's gone to get drinks, but him and Jess seem to be on rocks right now, so be careful. You know how he is when he gets stressed, especially with relationships," Calum explains.

I nod and take a seat next to Michael. I know I should talk to Jess, but she seems so out of it, that I don't know if its the best time.

I look over to Calum and he gives me a nod in Jess' direction. I take a deep breath, I shrug and walk over to Jess.

"Hey," I say awkwardly.

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