Jealous much?

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Hope you enjoy this chapter :P 


Ashton's P.O.V

~Sunday Morning~

I can't believe it, I am officialy dating the most amazing girl in the universe. I have more feelings for her than I have ever had towards someone in my whole life. I love the way she laughs, and her smile and the way she loves life and she makes me feel so special and wanted.

I turn over to see her beautiful face. I pull my arms around her. She smiles. I kiss her gently and she giggles softly. I get out of bed and put on some sweatpants over my boxers and I walk out to the kitchen.

"Morning, sleepy head," Michael says cheerfuly.

"Who are you and what did you do with Michael?" I laugh. He opens his mouth to anwser, but gets interupted.

"Mikey, where did you put my watch last night?" Rebecca asks walking out of his room wearing his boxers and sweat shirt. He blushes and I smirk at him. He runs back into his room with Rebecca. I laugh.

I find some ingredients and make Jess some choc-chip pankcakes. I hope she likes them. I hear some footsteps coming towards me as I flip my pankcake. I feel arms wrap around my torso and I turn to see the face of my beautiful girlfriend. I lift her onto the kitchen bench and kiss her.

"Good morning babe," I say after our passionate kiss comes to an end.

"Good morning, honey, how did you sleep?" She replies sleepily, she is so cute when she is sleepy.

"Great, because you were there," I smirk. She blushes.

"Well you better get used to that because, there will be more where that came from," she winks.

"I wil be happy to," I say kissing her again.

I put the pancakes onto the table and we eat them all up quite quickly. I talk to her about the band and tours and stuff. Did I say she is also great to talk to? Well she is!

"I am going to go have a shower is that ok?" She asks softly.

"Yeah, sure, babe, I am pretty sure Calum didn't come home last night and Luke would still be in bed with Kahnesha and Rebecca and Michael went back into Michael's room a while ago," I respond washing the plates in the sink.

"What about Emma?" She asks, raising her right eyebrow.

"She stayed in the guestroom, but I can go check on her if you like while you have a shower?" I reply kissing her cheek.

"Yes, that would be great thanks," she says kissing me passionately before walking to the bathroom.

I walk to the guestroom to find Emma asleep. Ok everything seems in order. I walk out and return to my bedroom. I scroll through twitter and instagram for a while on my phone, before Jess walks back into my room.

She smiles at me and gets her clothes and goes into my walk in wardobe and changes. I take the chance to change aswell. I put on my white tee-shirt and my black skinny jeans and my leather jacket. I tie the laces of my vans. Jess walks out, in a over-sized sweater and skinny jeans with matching vans.

"Do you want to go to the park?" I ask, she nods excitedly. We walk hand-in-hand to the livingroom and I tell Michael, Rebecca, Luke, Kahnesha and Emma that we were leaving. With that we left.

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