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My eyes opened as I heard a soft familiar tune being played on a harp nearby.

"Where am I?" I mumbled, sitting up and admiring my surroundings.

I was in some sort of enclosed spring, surrounded by cherry blossoms and lilac bushes. My clothes had been changed into a light purple tunic with the royal symbol on it, and beige pants with black boots. I sat up, getting off of the bed-like stone pedestal, and stepped into the water of the spring.

"Where am I?" I asked nobody in particular.

" The Spring of Spirit," an unknown voice spoke. An arrow as dark as the night sky pierced the crisp waters of the waterfall in front of me, staying in place in the air and creating an opening in the water.

A being hidden in a dark cloak was revealed, taking steps closer and closer to me. Their long dark hair lay on the cloak, covering what seemed to resemble the symbol on my tunic.

"I am Lilith, the deity of spirit," They said, pulling off the hood of the cloak, revealing their deep black eyes that glimmered in the moonlight.

"Like... Like one of the goddesses?" I asked, admiring the beauty of the being in front of me.

"Yes, however, throughout time, my own existence got lost in translation. Although I may not be a golden goddess, I helped make the world you know today. I added spirit; things like emotion and afterlife," Lilith explained. Their mystic voice echoed with an ancient language seeping through her speech.

"Why aren't you one of the golden goddesses then?" I asked, probably coming off as a little rude, but I wanted to know.

"As you may know, the golden goddesses left some of their power in separate pieces of the Triforce. I felt a thing like that would be easily found and wrongfully used. I will spare you the full story and summarize; the golden goddesses disagreed with my way of contributing power and left me with my idea, splitting different ways; they led their powers to those most worthy at the time, I lay mine in the hands of no being- waiting for the moment it would be most needed to fix the flaws of our own creation," Lilith told me, looking at the necklace that rested around my neck.

"So this necklace is..." I mumbled, fiddling with the jewelry.

"The equivalent to a piece of the Triforce," Lillith smiled, their eyes shifting to the floor. "You must go now, my task has been completed. Your spirit has unlocked, you must now represent me in healing the Triforce's flaws. You have my blessing."

"Wait, Lilith, why me?" I asked, still absorbing the information I had been given.

"Some things don't need explanations," Lilith spoke as they held their hands together and closed their eyes.

My body felt light as darkness filled my vision, I felt as if my body was floating in a void, yet it was ever so peaceful.

"Goodbye Lilith," my voice echoed into the darkness as I fell into a deep sleep.

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