Trusting Again

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**** In case you're living under a rock, Aug dropped a new song today. The song is in the m/m. It's called Hip-Hop.

Omari in the m/m.

Also I have an ending in mind, it's not going to end too soon, but we are moving toward it. It's going to be heart stopping drama. Literarly. Somebody may not make it. Just throwing that tea out there. I luh y'all tho. lol"

August P.O.V. -

"Have a seat." Omari pointed to the chair opposite of his desk, then went to go sit behind his desk.

I hesitated before sitting I wanted to let him know this wasn't a friendly visit. This was about my wife.

"I come in peace brotha." He held up both his hands. I noticed he had on a wedding ring, but I know for men that doesn't matter when they see something they want.

I sat down in the chair.

"You know I think it's quite honorable you came here for Amb."

"My wife."

He laughed. "I can't call her Amb now?"

"I'm making it known who she is. She's my wife. I want that to be clear."

"I don't want your wife brotha. I'm married. Got a son. I'm not looking to break up what you built."

"Then why do you want to work with my wife?"

"Because I'm the head of this division and it's my job to build it. If I got the best working with me, I look good. Your wife is the best which is why I was surprised she wasn't practicing. I don't know why she would sit on such talent."

"Get to the point." I wasn't about to discuss me and Amb's business about why she was staying at home and not working with this nigga.

"The point is I want Amber to come work for me. I have no motive besides wanting to be the best legal division in the state of Georgia. She can help me achieve that."

The last person who said this crap was Nate and we know how that went.

"My wife is a mother and she's pregnant with my third child I don't want her in no stressful situation."

"All that will be taken into consideration when planning her work schedule."

"And her caseload. I don't want her bogged down with all that work."

"Understood." He took notes.

"If it ain't about work, stay out my wife's face. I'm coming to you civil now, but don't let that fool you. I kill for mine."

"Threating me is a crime Mr. Alsina." He chuckled.

"Deal with my wife inappropriately it won't be a threat. It'll be promise."

"Listen August, I don't know what you going through but if you remember correctly when Amber and I worked together before and you guys were dating, I respected my boundaries. In fact, if I remember correctly I was the one who after you embarrassed her at court assuming we were cheating, causing a scene, told you to go make things right. I told you then that I wanted to see you doing well and nothing has changed. Me and Amber have a past, but that's all it is, is the past. As a father, as a husband, I wouldn't want anyone coming between my home and I wouldn't do that to another man. I'm here to work that's it. Anything else you need me to know or want to know about the position?"

"When you want her to start?"

"Next week or is that too soon? I know you have kids and may need to re-work your schedules."

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