My Other Grandma Part 1

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Amber POV-

"Mommyyyyyyyy." Auggie ran to me as Aug had picked them up from my mother's house where they were spending the week. I was laying in the bed, trying to ease my aching feet and hurting back.

"Hey mommy's favorite man." I gave him a million kisses on his cheek as he laid on the pillow next to me.

"Guess what?" Auggie told me.

"What baby?"

"My birthday next week."

"Is it I thought it was next month?" I joked with him.

"No mommy." He laughed wildly shaking his head no.

"So it's next week?"

"Mm-mmm." He shook his head yes.

"And how old is mommy's favorite man gonna be?"

"I be big boy. I be 4." He held up four fingers.

"A whole big 4?"

"Mm-hmm. Ain't I a big boy now?"

"Why yes you are precious. Pretty soon you gon be as big as daddy."

"I'mma have more muscle tho."

I laughed at him talking about how skinny Aug was.

"Miri be here for my birthday?"

"No." I laughed at his impatience. He asked me this quite a bit.

"Aw man." He said disappointed that his little brother had two more months to roast in mama's oven.

"What's taking so long?" He asked. "He should just come out."

"He can't just come out baby. He gotta stay in there nine months so he can grow to be a big a strong boy like you."

"Miri gon be my bestfriend. Like Sata and O."

"Aww, I'm sure he will be." Miri was the nickname we gave the new baby since were were naming him Amiri after Amiri Baraka. We were keeping the black power theme going.

"Can he sleep in my room? He can have my bed. I scoot over."

"Aww that's sweet Auggie but babies can't sleep in big boy beds."


"They might suffocate and die."

"What dat mean?" He said confused.

"Like he won't be able to breathe."

"Oh no Miri." He said concerned. "Me no want Miri to die mommy."

"He's not baby. I was just saying that could happen."

"Where babies sleep den?"

"In a crib."

"Can the crib be in my room?"

"Miri gon be crying you ain't gon wanna hear all that." I that I chuckled.

"I stop him from crying. I play with him."

"You are so adorable baby. You're going to be an awesome big brother." I kissed his forehead.

"I ain't gon treat Miri mean like Sata treat me sometimes."

"Sata may be mean sometimes but she loves you. She used to kiss you every night when you were a baby. She would come in me and daddy's room and say I can't go to sleep without kissing Auggie."



"Hey mommy." Sata came in with an ice cream sandwich. She handed Auggie one. She got on the bed and hugged me.

"Sata you used to kiss me when I was a baby?" Auggie asked her opening his ice creAm sand which.

"Mm-hm. You was a cute baby. You ugly now." She laughed.

"Sata." I looked at her.

"Me no ugly."

"Yea you is. You got a light bulb head like daddy."

"What you say about my head?" Aug walked in the room.

"It's big." She cracked up.

"Girl ain't nobody head more bigger than that lil nugget you got." Aug messily rubbed her head.

"Y'all are a trip." I shook my head.

"Sata why you treat Auggie mean?" I asked her.

"I don't treat him mean. He cry too much. Boys are supposed to be tough. I'm making him tough."

"I no cry all the time." Auggie defended himself.

"You do Auggie. You cried at grandmommy's because you missed mommy." She sighed.

"Your kids are something else." I looked at Aug who got on the bed.

"Them your kids. I ain't have nothing to do with it." He cut on the tv.

"I love Auggie. He my bestfriend after O. " Sata told me.

"You my bestfriend after Miri." Auggie told Sata eating his ice-cream sandwich.

"Miri is not here yet dummy."

"Assata." Big Aug looked at her like watch your mouth.

"So he can still be my friend." Auggie said.

"Daddy can we see Disney." Sata asked Big Aug.

"What channel is it?"


"So how was grandma's house?" I asked the kids.

"Good." Auggie said.

"This lady said she was my grandma. I got another grandma mommy?"

"A lady said she was your grandma?"

"Mm-hmm. She came by to see grandpa parker. She say she was my grandma. I said, I only got grandma and Mee-Maw Shelia."

I looked at Aug thinking of who it could be. He looked at me and shrugged.

"You guys lay here and watch Disney with daddy while I call grandma okay?"

"Okay." They said.

I got my cellphone and went in Auggie's room across the hall and called my mother to get to the bottom of this "other grandma business"

"Hello." My mother picked up.

"Hey Ma. Sorry I couldn't make it by, I'm just a little sore now."

"Aug told me. It's fine. Just rest up."

"I'm trying. Listen, Sata told me some lady came by saying she was her grandmother."

There was silence for a moment.

"Yeah, Nate's mother came by. She was in Georgia and she stopped by to see Governor Parker and she wanted to see Sata. You know she hadn't seen her since she was a baby. And she actually asked me if she could talk to you. But I told her you weren't feeling to well. I got her information if you want to meet with her."

"Yeah give me her info."

"I'll text it to you." My mother said.

"Okay great. How did she seem?"

"She seemed to be doing well. Which is good considering she lost her husband and son ya know."

"Yeah. Well I'm going to get in contact with her."

"Alright you rest up." My mother yawned. "Chile your kids got me all kind of sleepy."

I chuckled. "Alright I talk to you later Ma. Love you."

"Love you too."

We hung up.

I never thought in a million years I would hear from her again. It would be great to talk to her, see how she is. I am looking forward to this convo.

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