Chapter 110.

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| This chapter contains explicit content for an 18+ audience only. |

The crisp fresh air from the outside world begins to hit me as I approach the hospital doors, as glad as I am to be back—I cannot wait to get home. I let down my hair and shake it out, fumbling to find the sleeve of my coat.

"Oh, to be you." Matt's voice chimes from in front, only beginning his shift as I leave.

"I just finished cleaning throw up out of my hair twenty minutes ago, be careful what you wish for." I chuckle.

He laughs. "Hear the good news?"

"No?" I furrow my brow. "Why the hell am I so behind recently?"

He shuffles over, leaning to whisper. "Angel-"

"Sorry, 'good news' and 'Angel' should never be that close together in a sentence." I interrupt.

"Angel... and Jake and over for good. No more hooking up and letting her hurt him anymore." he announces with a grin.

I sigh in relief. "That's amazing. How do you know it's going to stay that way?"

"He filed for a restraining order."

I could cry with joy. He finally did it. "That's the best news I've heard all week. I'll have to call him later. Enjoy your shift."

I take one step out of the door before hearing my name from behind. It's Julie. I screw my eyes shut and spin around to face her. "If you're going to ask me to stay and take someone else's shift... I won't say no, but I will urge you to reconsider with a large please on the end."

She almost smiles. Almost.

"No, you can go. Do you have dinner plans for tomorrow?"

I raise my brow. "A sandwich and a nap in an on call room probably, I'm working."

"And if you weren't, would you have dinner plans?" she adds.

"Uhm... no?" I respond confusedly.

"Good. I would like you to meet me at the restaurant down the street at 8. You can bring your partner." she nods.


She rolls her eyes. "No, Woods. Your romantic partner, not your partner in crime."

"Oh! Alright..," I furrow my brow. "Can I ask why?"

"You can ask." she shrugs.

I stare blankly. "Right... see you then."

I take out my phone and call Mason, propping myself up against the wall outside. "So, about that dinner we had planned with Enzo..," I scrunch up my nose. "Can we reschedule?"

"He called to cancel an hour ago, anyway. Why?"

"He did? It was his idea. Isn't that why he stayed in town an extra week?"

"He stayed to hover over me. He probably met a better, half-dressed blonde idea at the bar." he replies, making me laugh.

"Probably. Well... now we have a dinner with my boss." I say cautiously, picturing the amazingly uncomfortable expression on his face.

"We?" he scoffs.

"Yep. Her idea."

"Can I plea my way out of it?"


"Great." he sighs.

"Dinner is at 8. I'll change at work so meet me there and I'll send you the address."

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