Lies and Fake Dates

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(Y/n) sat in her chemistry class, half listening to Mr. Deley ramble about an important experimental project for this week. That was, until, the bell finally rung, an agonizing last 50 minutes of class coming to an end.

Not skipping a beat, (y/n) practically leaped out of her seat, grabbing the unnecessarily large school textbook and stuffing it into her backpack. Just before she could exit, however, a hand took hold of her wrist.

"Hello sweetheart~" the school's most annoying royal, Chad Charming, said smoothly, sending her a wink.

"What could you possibly want now, Chad?" (Y/n) groaned with exasperation, twisting her arms from Chad's grasp.

"Have you changed your mind yet?" He pressed, leaning a little too far into her personal bubble.

"No," she quickly answered, not leaving any room for hesitation. "My answer is the same as last time, thank you."

Ever since (y/n) had gotten to this school 3 years ago, Chad had been chasing after her like a dog would his tail, neither knowing when to give up even though each attempt was futile. He would seek her out after almost every day in school, only asking one thing.

"Have you changed your mind yet?"

And quite frankly? It was getting on her last nerve. She had to come up with a plan—any plan—to get this guy to leave her alone.

"Are you sure?" He continued to urge, as if he was going to receive a different reply. "We can-"

"I have a boyfriend," (y/n) said before she had time to rethink it. Chad's eyes widened in shock, then in disbelief as he tried to search her face for any trace of a lie, but she left her expression unreadable.

"Oh really?" he spoke once he'd gotten through his frozen phase. "And, uh, where is he?"

"Class should be over for him too actually," she lied flawlessly, every word sounding so effortless, you'd think it was the truth. "I'm going to go look for him now."

"Well cool," said Chad. "You know what? I'm taking you two out on a double date tomorrow night with me and Audrey if she agrees, I really wanna meet this guy."

"Yeah, sure," (y/n) agreed absentmindedly, not registering the words until he walked away. "Wait, what?!"


(Y/n) flung open the door to her friend Harry's room, who was sitting on his bed with headphones on, looking up when the door made a loud noise.

"Wow, wha'd the door ever do ta yeh?" he joked as she flopped on his bed, taking off his headphones. "Hello ta yeh too by the way."

"Hi," she said, sitting up with a groan and turning to face him. "I need a favor." Harry rose an eyebrow at her.

"Remember when I helped you get away from those crocs and you said you owed me one?" She asked.

"....Aye?" he replied hesitantly, taking off his headphones, definitely not liking the sound of this.

"Well I'm in a crap load of trouble right now, can you own up to me now?"

"Wha' kind of stuff did yeh get into this time?" He laughed as (y/n) pouted and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Chad," she answered with a long sigh.

"Yeh got yerself into Chad?"

"Dude, it sounds really wrong when you say it like that," (y/n) replied, curling her nose. "But yes, I'm in trouble with Chad." 

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