College Sucks

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(For all you college people out there, what's life like for you lol?)


Sleepily, (y/n) walked through the halls of Auradon University, about 5 seconds away from falling asleep. Why did she think going to college after high school was gonna be a good idea?

Now, it was double the school, double the homework, double the tests and exams, and double the studying. Every person's dream, right?

Because she stayed up so late studying and finishing a last minute exam her phycology teacher gave them yesterday, she was currently staggering like a drunk person.

There's a few more minutes before class, she thought. Maybe I can pick up some coffee or something. Nothing better than a 22 years old woman groggily walking in school because she didn't get a full 8 hours. And bumping into someone.

"Oh, sorry (n/n)," the voice apologized. (Y/n) squinted her eyes, her brain was falling behind her ears.

"You're good Harry," she waved him off, picking up the math homework folder she dropped. Harry noticed the bags under her eyes, furrowing his brows at her.

"Did yeh go ta sleep last night?" he asked.

"Nope," (y/n) replied nonchalantly. "I've been too busy trying to catch up with my schoolwork, which is exactly why I'm going to get some coffee."

"Yeh look kinda dead on the outside," he pointed out.

"Thanks a lot," she muttered sarcastically.


"Miss (y/n)? (Y/n)? Are you with us?" (Y/n) shot up at her desk, blinking the sleep out of her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," she said quickly. "Sorry Ms. Merryweather."

"It's okay dear," the older woman replied sweetly. "But please make sure to try to stay awake in class, alright?" She nodded her head, moving around her papers.

"Okay class, today is the start of a college project, you'll work in pairs and get to choose your partner, alright?"

(Y/n) groaned internally. Another thing to lose sleep over. She noticed Harry walk over to her, a grin on his face.

"Partners?" He offered.

"Sure," she replied. "We can work in my dorm today."


Okay, the school project was going well, until it was mentioned that there needed to be sheets filled out and signed by each group to have the go for it. And boy, it was a hefty stack of paper work. (Y/n) was so annoyed she banged her head on the desk, groaning until Harry stopped her, placing his palm under her forehead.

"Cut tha' out," he told her. "Yer gonna get a concussion woman."

"That doesn't sound like bad idea at this point," she grumbled, sitting up straight, rolling her neck around. "God, I still have homework from earlier to work on."

"The math quiz?" she nodded her head in reply. "Tha's not due till Thursday."

"And if I finish it now I can actually go to sleep," (y/n) reasoned.

"Orrrr..." Harry started, picking her up and placing her in the bed. "Yeh go ta sleep now and we finish all this together tomorrow." (Y/n) shook her head, trying to protest.

"No, I have to get it done today or-" She was stopped by her friend, who kept her down on the bed, giving her the look of a scolding parent when their child is being stubborn.

"Or I'll just go to sleep," she gave up, flopping her entire body on the bed and getting up under the covers.

"I thought so," Harry teased, heading for the door. "Night, (L/n)."

"Night Hook," (y/n) mumbled, already feeling sleep overtake her.

~{The End!}~ 

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