One Last Time

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(A/N: This imagine is actually very angsty, I got this weird brainstorm last night because I couldn't sleep and spent all night and some of this morning finishing it up) 


If (y/n) were to see herself in this much pain 2 years ago, she would've never chosen to get attached to him. Why does life give you beautiful things just to rip them away so viscously?

A soft knock at the door made the crying girl look up, quietly listening to who was searching for her.

"(Y/n)?" Said the voice on the other side of the door. "It's just Uma, can I come in?"

"The door isn't locked," (y/n)'s hoarse voice replied in a whisper. "Could you lock it when you come in though?"

The knob twisted, door slowly opening to reveal Uma, who wore a sympathetic expression for her friend's broken, disheveled state. She sat down on the bed next to her, pulling her younger sister figure into her arms. (Y/n) instantly collapsed into her, soft cries turning into broken sobs. How she had any tears left to cry, she didn't know.

"Oh (y/n)," said Uma with a soft tone, stroking her head. "It's okay, it's okay."

"No it's not," (y/n) cried, tears spilling from her face and falling onto her red hoodie. "Uma, if it was okay, I wouldn't still be so upset after 2 years. That was the last time I'll ever see him again. It's's not okay.."

What lasts one moment might fall apart the next; one day you'll have it all but tomorrow you could lose everything. That was something she knew all too well.


"Uma, Uma, guys, listen up!" (Y/n)'s extremely excited voice exclaimed, bursting through the chip shop with a scroll in her hands.

"What is it (y/n)?" Uma asked, sitting the trays of food that were in her arms down on the table and walking over to the (h/c) haired girl, who was pulling open the paper again. Everyone went silent, eagerly awaiting the announcement she'd been so hyped up for.

"Dear Uma and her beloved pirate crew," she read off the sheet. "King Ben of Auradon and his counselor, Evie of the Isle, have officially invited all of you to stay with us in Auradon! If you're interested, please meet the limo on Tuesday at 8:30am sharp with bags packed."

"Oh my God, we're finally getting out of here!" Uma yelled, the rest of the crew cheering in anticipation except for Harry, who's normally bright blue eyes had dulled, a sullen expression on his face.

"Harry, what's wrong?" said (y/n), noticing Harry's quick change in mood. "Aren't you happy? We're finally getting to live in Auradon." It then dawned on Uma, before she came to a horrific conclusion.

"You didn't tell her?" she almost yelled at Harry. His jaw tightened, gaze flickering from (y/n) back to Uma.

"Not yet," he muttered.

"Tell me what?" (Y/n) asked. "Guys, what's going on?" Uma's frown was growing larger and larger by the minute, and Harry looked like he wanted to say something but chose not too.

"Harry, if you don't tell her right now-.." Uma warned.

"I will, Uma," Harry cut in, gritting his teeth. "Can the rest of yeh leave? Except for (y/n) an' Uma." Without hesitation, the rest of the crew got up, making their way out onto the Isle streets on the Lost Revenge, really anywhere except there. (Y/n) became slightly afraid, if Harry sent everyone else away, it had to be really serious. The silence made it no better. It was very tense, and she could already feel whatever needed to be said was about to be a hard blow.

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