A Sleeping Pirate

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Never had you thought your life would ever get this weird. Like, ever.

The day started off normal, and by the end of it you got ready for bed, climbed under the covers and drifted off to sleep. But then, you'd woken up again.

At first you thought it was just your sleepy brain, the bottom of your bed felt heavier than usual, like there was extra weight on it, and light snoring could be heard as well. Something told you to look down, which you did, and what did you find?

An entire pirate sleeping on YOUR bed!!

You didn't wanna be rude, but you also wanted to know why he was in your room, so you went with instinct.

And thwacked him with a pillow.

The force was enough to cause him to jump up in shock and alarm, almost falling off the bed before turning to look at you, who was holding the pillow up as a weapon.

"Oh.." he says groggily, eyes hooded from sleep. "Yer awake."

"Yeah, I'm awake-" you stammer, lowering the pillow once you deciphered the voice. It was your friend Uma's first mate buddy, Harry. "What the heck are you doing in my room?"

"Locked meh self outta meh room," he mumbles. "Uma's said yeh keep yer window open."

You sigh, rubbing your face and staring at him for a moment.

"Dude.." you mutter, sliding out of your bed and moving to the closet, rummaging through it.

"Wha' are yeh doin'?" Harry questions, now getting up as well. You finally manage to pull a box out of the closet, along with another blanket.

"It's an air mattress for you," you explain to him. "You're gonna sleep on it until the morning, and then we'll go to FG and ask her to unlock your room."

Harry sends you an appreciative look, even helping you fill up the bed with air. When it was finally set up, he climbed on it and you returned to your own bed, looking down at him with a soft smile.

"Goodnight Harry."

"G'Night (y/n)."

~{The End}~ 

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