865 36 10

August 21


Percy and I were talking for a while in my cabin, suddenly his demeanor changed and he spoke.

"Nico?" His voice trembled, I could hear his hesitation

"Yes Perce?" I answered trying to be reassuring.

"I am ready" he told me more firmly.

"Good, let's go"

I stood up and went to my drawer, since I am going to the Blofis' I should look more presentable, I looked to the baggy shirt I was usi...

Holy Hades, I was still using Percy's shirt I put on last night... shhhit!

I was kinda feeling lonely, and was recomforting to wear his shirt... fuck, did he notice? I don't think so, he would comment on it, wouldn't he?

I quicky pull it off, and not going to lie, I almost could feel his eyes boring into my back, I picked a shirt without even look at it, later I would know it was a blue one with a smiley face on it that Leo lent it to me while in the Argo II.

I went to my hanger, I picked my old aviator jacket, that I... ahem... borrowed from a thrift store that winter I lost Bianca. Back then, the hems would cover the tips of my fingers, now it stopped short up at my wrist and was getting short every passing day, it was sad to think I wouldn't be able to use it much longer.

Lastly, I picked it my duffel bag, Percy told me we would spend a few days at his mom's so I got some stuff I would need.

"Everything ready?" I asked him

"Oh shit... my stuff! Let's go to my cabin, I just have to pick up some clothes" he responded me with pinked cheeks.

We left my cabin and I locked my door. As we were standing there, I saw Percy looking at something, a coldness in his eyes. I followed his line of sight to see a certain blonde girl looking back at him with surprise.

I nudged him so we would keep moving, he snap out of it and looked at me, when our eyes met the coldness vanish, replaced by a warm smile; It always surprised my how his mood could change in a second.

I followed him to his cabin, once inside he rummaged in his drawers, picking up clothes and shoved it in a backpack.

"Ok all done" he said more happier this time

I answered him by extending up my hand, I tried to hide the little blush I felt rising in my cheeks as he grabbed my hand firmly. I second later I pulled us into shadows.

We walked out of the shadows in a familiar alley besides his apartment building

"Ugh... now I know why you put your jacket on, I forgot how cold is in the shadows" he said with a shiver

"Ewhg... but I definitely didn't miss the smell of garbage and rat and piss... but is good to be back in the city" he said with a smile.

Such a city boy.

We walked out of the alley and to the front of the building, just then we realized at the same time, that we were still holding hands.

We both detached our hands off

"Sorry" he whispered.

I was too interested looking to a patch of rust in the door to respond.

We got in and walked the way up to his floor. He stopped at his door, took a deep breath and knocked.

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