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After the accident took place people admitted to the nearest hospital.The police were informed.

"Hello this is general Min I am hear for getting information of the Accident took place today can you please inform me the room number of the patient" the police general asked the receptionist kindly"sure sir the main victim is in icu and his friend is in room number 101 he has got a minor shock attack" the girl replied"Thank you" saying this  Mr Min bid his good bye walking towards the ICU.

Mr Min's pov:-
I peek through the huge glass window of the ICU and as my eyes landed on the figure lying on the bed uncautiously,it felt like I have lossed all my shits the person lying there was the beloved brother of Jk the mafia boss nobody has got the guts to ever poke in his matter .But hear I am seeing the most important person in his life fighting for his dear life I have to inform him as soon as possible"sir are you alright you look pale are you not feeling well" one of my fellow mate ask"No I am fine I have to make a important call pls take care of the matter till come" saying this I rushed to call jk after two rings jk pulls up the call.

Jungkook's pov:

I am currently in Seoul in a mission I was in the middle of a meeting when suddenly my phone started ringing flashing Mr Min's name I pick up the call
"Hello am I talking to Jk"
'yes '
"Sir I am very sorry to inform this but your brother has got into an accident and is severely injured " those words were enough to make my world stop my blood was boiling my eyes were burning with tears 'Which hospital'
"City hospital"'I will be there in 15 mins" I cut the phone and oder Namjoon to prepare the car.

Author's pov:-

On reaching the hospital Jk run towards the receptionist asking for the room number of his brother"Sir your brother is in the ICU it's on the third floor" without any other talk toward that direction reaching there he met Mr Min on seeing jk every police men bowed Jk's eyes fell on the uncautiou figure of his brother and it was the final stroke for him he fell on his knees and starts crying Mr Min walk to him to support him but jk hold his collar and starts shouting"WHO DID THIS TO HIN WHO I WILL KILL EVERY ONE NOBODY WILL BE ALIVE IF ANY THING HAPPENS TO HIM"Mr Jeon cotorl your self" Namjoon tried to hold him from behind"LEAVE ME MY BABY BROTHER IS FIGHTING WITH HIS DEATH AND YOU ARE ASKING ME TO CALM...." he was cut by the doctor DrKim came out of the ICU and call out for the victims family"Yes yes I -I am his brother"Jungkook said hiccuping"So Mr....""Jeon" " Ya Mr Jeon your brother can get discharge but you have only 2-3days in your hand to spent with him cause his heart is very weak as the aftermath of the Accident please try to be happy infront of him and he already knows about the situation"Jungkook just nodded his head in understanding"Ok I have something to say him and then you can take him with you"Jungkook just replied with an'ok' .
After entering the room the dr sat beside Hinjae to say him about his meds Hinjae hold his hand and said "Dr I know that I am a stranger to you but you are the only one whom I can believe the most now the boy my Jim baby who was admitted with me pls give this ring to him (handing the ring to Jin) and pls don't say him where I will be ask him to be happy for me"tears were rolling down Hinjae's eyes the doctor wipes his eyes and promises to do the jod .After that the dr leaves the room and Jungkook enters the room and runs to hug his baby brother for his dear life "Hin baby I will make you the happiest person in your last few days in this place""Bro pls stay with me every minute of my last days alive"I will him"after that Hinjae was shifted to his and Jungkook's mantion .

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