Make Your Lips Red

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Jimin's POV
After the pool incident I took a shower and rubbed my lips with force I didn't wanted a forceful kiss to be lingered on my lips.I changed my clothes and went out to the garden to get some fresh air I felt as if I have cheated on my Jae hyung my train of thought got distracted by some foot steps as I look up there he stood still soaking wet "what do you want now"I asked coldly"That ring ,do you have any partner" He asked pointing to ring hanging on my neck anger was drawn on his face I sighed and said"I had a boyfriend" I replied" Why had did he chea-"I cut him and said"He passed away in a road accident".

Jungkook POV

I really felt sorry for that I tried to corfort him I took his hand and said"I am really sorry to hear that.....""I don't need any pity specially not from a monster like you" he replied coldly I was taken a back I tried not to be harsh on him and replied"Listen Jimin you know that I am a mafia boss so I have different enemies so that day you saw me to kill the person has came to kill me so for my self defence I had to kill him and one more thing you are not the only one who has lost some one you love I have lost my only family my brother he was my world but now he is grounded 6 fit below to earth surface so think before you say something" saying this I left Jimin alone on the bench.After I took a shower cool myself and went out to apologise to him......

Author pov

Jungkook went and sat beside Jimin and said "I am sorry" he said Jimin on the other hand tried to ignore him and walk out but he was pulled back by Jungkook"If someone says sorry then you should atleast say it's ok" Jk whispered in Jimin's ear"it's ok my foot I will never forgive you for anything you have did to me" Jimin was trying to make himself free from jungkook's hold and as he succeeded he slapped jungkook hard across his face but without wasting any second Jungkook hold him and kissed him hard holding Jimin tight in his embrace after leaving his lip he whispered"I have already make myself clear my love as many times you will make my cheeks red I will make your lips red simple" he shrugged with his infamous smrik on his lips Jimin pushed him heard and said"I hate your guts" through greeted teeths"I will change it with pleasure Mrs soon to be Jeon" Jungkook said leaving the scene with a smrik leaving a furious Jimin behind.

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