❥ Chapter Thirty-Two: Trauma

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I woke up when I felt a little nudge on my arm. I feel tired a little from that encounter last night. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that it is dark, the lamp run out of gas already. What time is it?

"You're crushing me." I heard Roni grunt under my arms and I immediately let her go. She inhaled sharply. "I thought I'm going to die." She muttered. Even with the absence of light, I saw how she rolled her eyes at me. I smiled at that.

"I'm sorry." I softly said. She shook her head before she kissed my lips lightly.

"It's fine. Besides, I know you miss me. Just remember that I am made out of flesh and bones, not made of stone so please go easy on the hug will you?" She mocked. I chuckled.

"Yes ma'am!" I gestured like a soldier and Roni laughed at my reaction.

She hit my arm playfully as she rose up. She stretched her arms and I did the same way too. Roni stares at her wristwatch and I caught a glimpse of the time. It is already seven in the morning, which means the sun, is already up.

I stood up and pushed the huge bulldozer away from the entrance. I closed my eyes when the rays of the sun hit my face directly.

Roni opened her bag and searched on her things, and then she grabbed two canned goods out. I smiled at her and nodded. I picked up some firewood I have collected from the woods the other day and set up a fire. I carried a lot of things from the camp that were still usable like some plate, two glasses, a frying pan and others.

I put small stones on each side of the fire before I put the pan over. I used the silver dagger to open the canned of meatloaf. Roni grabbed the plates as I started cooking the food. I also have a pale of water that I collected when it rained, I cannot use the waters from the river since it isn't safe enough to drink.

"So, how did you survive?" Roni asked without looking at me. She just stared at the fire in front of us with a plate in her hand. I took a deep breath. I recalled the last memories I held dear.

Art pulling Roni away from the bridge as I collapsed from the injuries that I had after fighting off the pack of the werewolves, I don't want Roni to experience hell and in order for her to get out of here alive, I have to sacrifice myself.

The rain was pouring hard that day and one by one, our circle of friends broke down until there's only three of us left: Roni, Art and me. I know that the werewolves are coming for us, especially for Roni and I can't let them take her so I decided to put my weight more so they'll both feel as if I am heavy and not able to move anymore.

To be honest, the bites of the monsters were so painful since the virus is starting to spread throughout my entire system, I'm better off dead than becoming one of the werewolves. If I transform and lose sanity, I might kill Roni.

Art pulled her away from here even when she's arguing. She protested with the thought of me being left behind but I showed her a smile, the smile that says everything is gonna be okay. I mouthed the words I've been dying for her to hear before two huge werewolves appear in front of me.

I closed my eyes ready to take on death. I felt them devouring me, ripping my flesh but I didn't feel any pain. My heart died already at the thought of never seeing the one I love anymore.

The werewolves were about to go hunt for Roni and Art but I can't let them do that so I grunted and forcefully pushed the monsters out of the bridge. I didn't know I have that kind of strength, as my adrenaline spiked, I got rid of the two werewolves but it was too late. The other one grabbed my foot and I fell on the river with them.

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