It started out with a drink...

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Angel was enjoying himself at the party and was dancing and drinking to the sound of the beat. A drunk Charlie tried to speak to her but stumbled and giggled as Vaggie took her away. They celebrated their first 10 residents at the hotel and Husk drunk away in his own area.

Angel danced the night away when he felt a chill run down his spine. He turned to see alastor by the doorway motioning him to come forward with his finger. Angel winked flirtatiously and moved forward. Alastor rolled his eyes and stumbled into the doorway. Angel knew he was drink and it confused him, the radio demon? Drunk!? He didn't think much of it and started walking silently down the hallway with Alastor.

Angel started talking to Alastor, nervous for some reason, "So Al, you good pal... How many drinks did ya have babe?" He asked watching him cautiously.

"Somewhere in between 2 and 17... Now darling, come sit with me..." Alastor replied opening a bedroom door and sitting on the window sill.

Angel and Alastor talked for a while, it was very interesting, Angel never expected them to have so much in common, they laughed and joked together and Angel was really enjoying himself.
"Al your really fun when your not being a big bad radio man!" Angel slipped in the insult and Al seemed not to notice.
"I do enjoy talking to you Angel, your o good listener..." He chuckled and almost fell of the side of the window sill.
"Okay sugar, let's get you to your room."

Al collapsed onto his bed and Angel threw a blanket on top of him and tried to close the door.
"Angel wait, don't leave... Please..." Alastor mumbled and held his hand out pleadingly.
Angel chuckled and entered the room again shutting the door behind him gently. He sat on the bed next to Al but Al pulled Angel so he was lying down next to him. Angel blushed hard and turned to face him.
"What's this pretty deer? Wanna taste of Angel?" He said teasingly and Al blushed and growled lightly.

Angel laughed nervously and thought he had gone to far, but Al thought otherwise.
He rolled over and lifted himself up so that he was directly on top of Angel. Angel tried not to look down at his erection which he hoped Al wouldn't notice. He looked down unwillingly and noticed he was not the only excited one.

Al put his head down and kissed Angel hard on the lips, forcing his tongue into Angels mouth. Angel was startled and never imagined Al doing this, even in his wildest dreams. He knew it wasn't actual affection as Al was drunk but he still didn't mind Angel kissed him back. Al slowly went down and adjusted himself so that he was rubbing erections with Angel.

Angel was eve more surprised when Al started taking his clothes off. Angel obliged and responded by taking Al's clothes of with care. Al tensed but eventually calmed down at Angels touch. Alastor pulled Angel close and started kissing him.

They let go of eachother and took a breath for a second before Alastor got back into it. He stopped himself quickly and muttered into Angels ear,
"I'm sorry Angel, I should ask for consent first before throwing myself at you, I don't know what's coming over me..." Angel laughed,
"Don't worry babe, some people get like this when they're drunk, I guess you don't get drunk often." Angel said,
"Ohhhh... No. Is that a bad thing...?" Al asked, confused and dizzy,
"No babe, don't worry about it, let's take it slow yeah?" Angel said softly, and Alastor nodded, leaning in for another kiss.

Obviously you can guess what happened next, I'm not going to go into detail, but Angel definitely had more down there than a normal male demon.

Obviously they were both drunk, very drunk, Al was very drunk, it was all just a drunk fling that would never happen in a million years, once in a lifetime thing that Angel happened to have been caught in. And well. Angel felt very lucky that he got to experience this, even though Alastor would probably forget what happened and deny it in the morning.

Angel held Al's hand and pulled himself closer to Al. Al was okay with this and squeezed his hand. They slowly got closer and eventually started cuddling eachother, Al loved the way Angels fur felt, it was soft and warm, Angel could feel Alastors scars but didn't want to ask incase Al didn't want to talk about it, it seemed serious.

They cuddled until they both fell asleep by eachother, keeping eachother warm and still holding on to eachother. Little did they know this was just the beginning of something no one would expect...

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