Bad feeling

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(I thought this person's art was so amazing, so I decided this is what Angel will be wearing in this chapter.)

Angel woke up in an odd mood. He sat up and looked around him, something seemed off, but what? Alastor was already up, that wasn't surprising, he knew he could be a heavy sleeper when he wanted to be. He got up and groaned, his legs weren't fully healed yet, they still slightly hurt when he put to much weight on them, it was bearly noticeable though.

He went into the bathroom and grabbed a random pair of clothes on his way inside, something he had found on the floor. He looked at his messy hair in the mirror, it was everywhere! He would have time to brush it later, he really couldn't be bothered right now. He slipped into the outfit he had randomly picked out, it was actually quite an alright outfit. This one definitely showed his less feminine side, it consisted of sky blue ripped jeans, a plain grey shirt which for once didn't show off his fluff-boobs. Over that shirt he wore a dark grey jacket which Alastor had made for him on one of their dates when he said he was cold, fit perfectly.

He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled for a moment, walking over to his bedroom door. Fat nuggets oinked and looked sadly at his food bowl, Angel took no notice, the pig could wait, he was just so impatient anyway. He closed the door behind him and made his way down the hall. He already knew that if Alastor was up and downstairs with the others, Ashleigh would be. So he pressed the elevator button and in no rush made his way down to the lobby.

Still he felt something was of, he checked himself, nothing seemed of about him, then what was it? It was almost like there was this sort of panic inside him, something he just couldn't brush off. But why would he need to be worried? Was there something he just couldn't see, was he forgetting something? Maybe there was something going on today, an anniversary? No, definitely not, their anniversary was no where near Christmas. A birthday? No, he would've definitely remembered. He was getting frustrated, what was it?!

Just then the elevator dinged and he arrived at the lobby, the staff looked at the elevator, hearing the ding. Charlie rushed to Angel to greet him as usual, Nifty waving politely and getting back to her work. Husk smiled at Angel, he wasn't drunk for once, he had been drinking less recently. In his large hands was a little Ashleigh who giggled and stuck her tongue out at her father, he laughed. Vaggie held up a peace sign at him, she seemed to be focused on something on her phone, next to her was a plate of bacon and eggs which she had bearly touched yet.

This was a clear sign to Angel that Alastor was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Angel smiled at everyone once more and entered the kitchen to say good morning to his boyfriend.  Once he entered the room he spotted Alastor humming happily and flipping bacon on a pan. His head shot up as he heard the door open,
"Angel! Good morning my love!" He said, putting down the pan and walking over to Angel. The two kissed,
"Mornin' babe~ Smells great, better give me first bite." Angel said giggling. Alastor nodded and chuckled softly,
"Why don't you make yourself comfortable in the lobby and I'll be there in a moment with everyone's breakfast." Alastor said gesturing to the other room full of laughter and noise. Angel just nodded and kissed his boyfriend once more before leaving the room.

He sat down beside Charlie and watched Husk play with Ashliegh, they all laughed at the adorable infant who giggled aswell. Still, the feeling of worry would just not leave him, it was probably just a parenting instinct right? Maybe he was just worried about Ashliegh, he really didn't want anything to happen to her. He watched Vaggie on her phone, she was scrolling on something, sometimes her eyes would widen for a moment and she would almost have a look of disgust sometimes, what was she doing. She seemed to be looking for something, probably nothing to worry about. He didn't need anything else to worry about, he would probably ask her later anyway.

A little while later Alastor came into the room holding many plates with the help of his tenticals. He placed them Infront everyone and took the finished plate away from Vaggie who had got hers early because apparently she was awake way earlier so Alastor had made her early breakfast. He sat down opposite Angel and watched him eat his food, not particularly hungry.

Alastor decided to start up conversation as he thought the room was way to quiet for a December morning,
"So how is everyone on this fine morning, any plans?" Alastor asked. Everyone have a shake of their heads and Alastor seemed confused. He kicked Charlie slightly and she turned to look at him, she then realised this was her queue,
"Oh! Actually yes, quick little announcement," She cleared her throat,
"I will be holding a party on December 8th, four days time, just to celebrate all of the progress we have made. Obviously everyone is invited!"

Everyone gasped and started talking about the party, except for Husk who was to mesmerized with Ashliegh and Vaggie who just smiled and went back to her phone.
"Wow Char' that's amazin', a good party could livin' this place up anyway!" Angel joked, finishing his breakfast extremely quickly with much appetite. The others laughed and Angel laughed along with them, only Alastor saw right through this, he didn't know why as Angel was acting perfectly normal, but he just had a feeling something was wrong.

"Angel, are you alright, something seems off?" Alastor said, giving Angel a concerned look. Angel looked over at him and just smiled, the others looked over as well. Charlie cocked her head to one side,
"Oh babe don't worry bout me! I'm just feeling a bit odd, I think I'm forgetting something, I'll probably remember it later though." Angel smiled at Alastor, this slightly convinced him. He nodded and smiled back,
"Okay, that's good, but if you need anything Angel..." Charlie began, but was quickly cut off,
"Yes don't ya worry toots, I'll talk to y'all if I need anything, thanks." Angel said. Charlie smiled kindly and nodded.

The rest of the day was pretty normal, help tenants with problems, take in new residents and take care of Ashleigh. Still, through all of this Angel had a strange feeling at the back of his head, like something was waiting to happen. Alastor was watching Angel the whole day, he knew something was up, but he knew how forgetful Angel could be, and tried to rule it off as that.

But far away from the hotel, well... Not that far actually, lurked an evil demon, an old acquaintance, waiting for the right time...

To strike...

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