Big day -Part 1-

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(I wanted to write something before the wedding chapter but couldn't think of anything as I was really excited to write this. So I'm just gonna write it now, so, without further a due I present...  A Radiodust wedding!)

"Okay... I guess this is happening..." Angel said, he was looking down at himself in the mirror, nervous as hell. Today was the big day... The day he got married, who would've known, him, a whore, getting married to the Radio Demon, his child in the crowd. It's just something that seemed impossible, getting pregnant in the first place seemed impossible, and falling in love with the Radio Demon, and having him fall too? It was just as unlikely.

But there he was, standing in a beautiful red black and pink dress, black and sparkly on the top, mixed in with a red lining, cut of at his waist line and being replaced by a beautiful light pink and red striped dress, going down to his heels (basically what's in the picture.) He had a really beautiful rose in his hair, and a light pink Vail sitting on the mirrors side,
"Yer gettin' married today..."  Angel said, chuckling softly. Ye felt his right top arm with his left, feeling up and down. He still had old scars from... You know who, there were scratches and hearts and V's and many other things.

He was always ashamed of them, to him they just showed how weak he was, how he couldn't defend yourself. But the others never said that, a particular thing he thought of whenever he felt sad because of his scars was one thing Alastor had once said to him. He had told him,
"Your scars aren't anything shameful, they are quite the opposite in fact. They show how strong you are, they show what you went through to get here, they show how you survived through your darkest time. And I honestly think they are quite beautiful."

So he stood up tall, took a deep breath, and grinned,
"Yer gonna own this weddin'." Angel said, holding himself. Just then Vaggie up to his room, and stood at the doorway, Angel saw this through the mirror and turned around to face Vaggie.
"You ready Angel?" Vaggie asked, stepping forward and admiring his beautiful wedding dress. Angel nodded,
"Just tryin' to fix this zippa up, could ya help me with it?" Angel said, pointing to the zipper on the side of his chest, Vaggie nodded and walked over to him to help him.

Vaggie did his zipper up, noticing how tense Angel was,
"Nervous I see, you know there's no need to be, you've just got to walk down that aisle and say yes to the man you love." Vaggie said, she knew it wasn't that simple, but she also knew that Angel truly loved Alastor, and that Alastor truly loved Angel. They just needed to show hell how it was done. Angel smiled softly at Vaggie,
"What would I do without ya? Y'know sometimes I wonder that." Angel said, putting his arms on Vaggies head and leaning on her.

Vaggie pushed him off and he almost feel over,
"Yeah, what would you do without me, you'd probably be dead because you did something super stupid." Vaggie said, crossing her arms and grinning. Angel rolled his eyes,
"Yeah, yer probably true." Both demons laughed, giving eachother almost annoyed looks at eachother, and then both looked at eachother in the mirror.
"Damn, I didn't notice how good ya looked in that bridesmaid dress." Angel said, pointing out the simple yet very beautiful dress Vaggie was wearing for this occasion.

Vaggie smiled and rolled her eyes,
"Yeah sure, the dress that you picked out." Vaggie said, Angel made a face as if he had just remembered that he had chosen all of the dress designs,
"Well y'know, ya still look on fleek." Angel said, grinning at his friend. Vaggie did a dramatic hair flip and pursed her lips, Angel burst out laughing. The two both chuckled once more,
"Well, we should probably stop standing here and get to marrying huh?" Vaggie said, holding her hand out for Angel to take, still in a dramatic way.

Angel pondered for a moment, before quickly taking her hand,
"That sounds like quite a good plan." He said, being dragged off by Vaggie.

Now Angel hadn't actually seen the wedding area itself, since he had spent all the time picking out the dresses, adjusting them with Nifty, making sure everyone was comfortable, and making sure all of the decorations were stunning. The others didn't want him to do any more, so Alastor took the wedding room design into his own hands, except well, his idea of it wasn't really a room.

Vaggie walked Angel outside of the church like building, where Angel presumed the wedding was being held, and approached a bit of forest, which wasn't really normal to see in hell. Angel was confused and cocked his head at Vaggie,
"Isn't the weddin' that way?* Angel said, pointing behind them, Vaggie simply nodded,
"It's a bit of a surprise, just wait and see." Vaggie said, smiling at Angel in a mischievous way, making Angel raise an eyebrow.

She led him deeper into the forest, where Angel wondered what Alastor could've possibly thought of. But his thoughts were cut short when he saw a flash of white, hiding beneath the leaved, and the chatter of cheerful demons.

Vaggie smiled and lifted a branch, a broken branch, that immediately reminded Angel of where he was. As they stepped in to the crowded area, everybody cheered, settling down quickly in their chairs and the bridesmaids getting into position.

This was an absolutely great idea for a wedding area, it was an open space right at the edge of a forest, but slightly dangerous as there is also a cliff very close by after it. But the reason it was so special is because it was the place where Angel first properly began to feel things for Alastor. It was a place Angel would go whenever he was upset, and one day he saw Alastor there to, it was quite a coincidence, but he is so glad it happened looking back on it. Otherwise he wouldn't be here!

The trees were lines with beautiful red and white roses, almost all of the decorations were white pink and red, there was a long white carpet, ready for the flower girl to walk down and throw red rose petals along. They hadn't invited to many demons other than family, close friends and people the could generally trust.

In the front row sat the Cherri bomb, holding little Ashleigh in her arms, who was giggling softly and being shushed by Cherri. Arackness, Pentious and Molly say beside her, they were all waiting excitedly, smiled on all of their faces.Angels bridesmaids waited for him at the altar, this consisted of Charlie, and Vaggie (in a moment.) Alastor stood at the very front next to the alta, the altar being Lucifer himself, which almost surprised Angel. Standing next to him were his best men, Husk and Baxter, who although he didn't really love he had some sort of friendship with him.

It was really just a stunning seen, it made Angel glow with happiness, this was even better than he had dreamed! It was just so beautiful, absolutely beyond perfect.

Vaggie was going to walk up an stand beside Charlie when she was held back by the wrist by Angel. She turned to face her in a confused way,
"What do you need, everything's ready no?" Vaggie said, looking around to see if there was anything she was missing.
"Nah you did a great job, all of you. But I still need someone ta walk me down the aisle." Angel said, smiling as if he had planned this. Vaggies eyes widened,
"Me? Wh- I- No! There's no way!" Vaggie said, what about her sister, or Charlie? She couldn't!

"Actually, we alll talked about it and agree yer the best fer the job! C'mon please!" Angel said, putting his hands together like he was praying. Vaggie put a hand to her mouth and smiled,
"I would be honoured to walk someone down the aisle as great as you." Vaggie said, linking arms with Angel, putting on such a bright smile that it shocked most people, who barely saw Vaggie smile.

"Then let's crush this wedding!"

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