Big day -Part 2-

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So this is actually happening, Angel Dust, a pornstar of all people, is getting married to the Radio Demon, the overlord, feared across the pride ring. Not even to mention the little angel they have in the crowd, their own child. It just doesn't really seem that believable does it?

But here he was, walking down the aisle, that sappy wedding music being played by another demon. Linking arms with someone who he once hated with a passion, walking up slowly to a man that he wanted to be with forever.

Alastor looked just as nervous as he felt, his smile was wide but showed a sign of nervousness, and he tugged at his collar awkwardly, glancing at Charlie as she just smiled brightly.

Angel looked at Vaggie, she gave her a comforting smile, they arrived to the altar and Baggie let go of Angels arm,
"You can do this, just say what you think." Vaggie whispered, going over to join the bridesmaids

Oh god, there he was, there they were, Vaggie quickly rushed off to her seat and Charlie began, her excitement clearly showing as the could bearly stay still, her pupils basically in the shapes of stars.
"Hello dear demon, as you can see, with are gathered here today to join these two peculiar souls together in a bond of love which they will carry with them forevermore, until... Well u til double hell I'd guess." Charlie started, the crowd laughed, Ashleigh cooed.

"So, let's skip past all of these bits, and just get straight to it, does that sound all right with everyone?" Angel death glared the crowed as Charlie said that and they all laughed and nodded, cheering.

"Well then, let's begin are vows shall we, now, by request, Alastor is starting. Alastor, the floor is yours." Charlie said, taking a step back and clapping her hands in excitement.

Everyone went silent, Alastor took a deep breath, he looked into Angels, mismatched eyes, okay, forget all of the demons in the room, just you, and the demon your love. Angel smiled nervously at him, he smiled back, his heart getting that same feeling he always does and Angel smiled at him.

"Okay, Angel, wow. I cannot believe I'm standing up here with you today, about to get married. Who would have expected that!" People laughed,
"But seriously, when I first met you Angel, I could not explain my feelings towards you. Let's both be honest though, in both ways, they weren't very good feelings were they." Angel shook his head and laughed,
"But then, I started talking to you, seeing you more, understanding that your more than what demons portray you as. I found that you were much more than an overly sexual spider. But, what made me upset, was that no one else looked beneath your smile, your beautiful eyes and went beneath the layers to find... Someone I couldn't describe what I felt towards. Later on I found out that it was love, very shocking to me, I didn't know I felt love. But when I saw you upset, when I heard how you had been treated in your life and afterlife. And I suddenly felt a constant need to protect you, to give you the love and happiness that so many people tried to take away from you, and I promise, that as long as my soul exists, I will do that. I will love you for eternity, Anthony, and even after that."

Angel put a hand to his mouth holding back tears, he laughed and sniffed, everyone looked to Charlie and Angel,
"Thank you Alastor, and now, Angel Dust, please say your vows."

Angel gulped, looking over at Vaggie, she smiled nervously and gestured back to Alastor. He took a deep breath,
"Al, Alastor, the big bad radio demon. I wanted to fuck you when I met you." The crowd laughed, Alastor give him a glare,
"Wait! There's more I promise! But then, well, all this shit happened and fucking you is not one of my top priorities anymore."
The crowd chuckled as he went on.
"So far, I have seen you go through everything fer me, and I don't feel like I've done enough. All I can do is say that I will protect you as well as a sinner can protect an overlord down 'ere. I will always be with you, I won't force you to do anything, I'll be there fer you like you were fer me. And above all, I will stay out of trouble." He smiled at Alastor, Alastor expected a joke filled vow, it captured everything he loved about Angel, his sense of humour that he kept up while also being kind and sincere at the same time.

Charlie had tears rolling down her eyes, of course, she was quite the sucker for an adorable couple, about to be married couple!

"W-Well then! Sorry about me everyone." She wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Well. By the power vested in me by the 7 rings of hell. I now pronounce you. Husband and... Angel. You may now kiss the Angel." She said, making a dramatic gesture by throwing her hands up into the air.

Alastor grabbed Angel, a form hand wrapped around his slender waist, he held him close and stared into his beautiful pink eyes before kissing him. Angel on the brink of tears. Everyone cheered, none louder than Angels family, and of course, Ashley, who cooed and threw her hands up and down, wanting to go over to her parents.

Alastor pulled himself away from Angel and awkwardly smiled at all of the people, never in his century of life and death did he ever think he would be standing at an alter getting married to anyone, much less a man, and much much less, Angel Dust, famous pornstar and former enemy who he couldn't stand to be near. Oh how many times he would be shocked at how he got here, it would never sease to fill him with confusion and wonder at his predicament. All of this because of a measly party, a measly few drinks. What if he had one less drink, would that have changed anything? If Angel wasn't the first person he spotted, if he hadn't taken him back to his room.

He hoped not, he hoped that this moment happened across as many timelines as possible, he hoped he was this truly happy, surrounded by the people he loved, enjoying the rest of his time in hell, however long that may be, with his lover Angel dust, and his beautiful daughter Ashley.

(Hiiii, sorry, it's been a while. Sorry for the over six month hiatus😅 I wanted to finally finish this wedding seen, I'm not very good at writing wedding, unsurprisingly. I just wanted to let you all know that there will only be one or two more chapters to this story, and then there will be a sequel!!! It'll be called something along the lines of Prisoner. I know, it's a bit of a dark title but I promise it's not all bad! I hope you can all stay with me and support me in future projects. I'm thinking of writing my own novels, although I am very nervous about who will read them ofcourse.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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