The Aftermath

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Alastor woke up with a start, he stood up and everyone looked at him in relief. He looked down at himself and noticed the blood stains on him, and bandages. He looked over at Nifty and she smiled at him. He hated the fact that she cared about him, bit he had to admit he did feel a lot better. He felt very embarrassed at the fact he had passed out, so weak. But once he saw Angel lying there on the bed all of his thought shattered.

He looked so calm, yet so distraught. He looked down at Angel and the others backed away. He didn't realise it but static was slowly forming around him. His horns were growing larger and his form changed. His eyes blackened as strange symbols formed around him. Charlie tried to snap him out of it, she touch him and shook him.

Alastor burnt Charlie's hand and she shouted  and held her hand in pain. Alastor only then realised what he had done and his form shrunk and he quickly turned back to normal. He looked at Charlie in worry. He looked down at his hands, he hadn't ment to, what was coming over him. He apologised and healed Charlie's burn. She smiled and said it was.alright saying she was just in shock.

Vaggie looked at him with fire in her eyes. Alastor turned around and stayed at Angels bed once more. It took a while for Vaggie to build up the courage and ask,
"So Al... What happened?" She said gesturing to Angel. Alastor snapped his head back to look at her. He looked for the words, his eyes darted around the room and he began to sweat,
"Well... It was as we expected, him. I went out to the rooftop, if only I had been there for him! Why did I leave him, I shouldn't have. I fought the bastard and he escaped, he tried to shoot Angel but I think I took most of the shots."

He looked down and slapped Charlie's hand away when she tried to comfort him. He said he would go to ask the doctors for any news. He left the room and the others sighed. They didn't know why Alastor didn't want to admit his love for the demon. Husk went over to the chair Alastor was on and saw a little crimson red box. He picked it up and showed it to the other. Curiousity got the better of the four and they opened it.

Their mouths dropped as the red diamond sparkled before them, it really was quite beautiful and looked really expensive, if you looked closely you could see a little spider carved into it. They all gasped,
"Oh Alastor..." She said and blinked away tears. None of the demons actually realised how much Alastor loved Angel. Vaggie felt very bad for all of the jokes she had made, she didn't mean to upset Alastor and she didn't even think he cared.

They all stared at it and then put it on the side of Angels bed, they left the room and silently said goodbye to Angel. Sadly they had to get back to the hotel, they had residents that needed to get to their room. Alastor was no where to be seen but they knew he wouldn't leave until Angel woke up.

Alastor looked around and asked a few doctors where he could fine information about Angel, they directed him to an office and he burst through the door. The demon looked shocked and straightened his bowtie awkwardly. Alastor slammed his fist down on the desk,
"News on my Angel, now." He said and the doctor fumbled a bit before opening a drawer and shakily holding a stack of documents,
"Angel dust wounds are quite severe, he has a broken leg and arm, his wind pipe is damaged. His wrist is also broken and he has  a couple ripped muscles that look to have been caused by a whip and he has a bullet hole through his shoulder, the bullet isn't severe though, luckily. He has bruises and a few stab wounds, and before you ask. The child is fine and has not suffered any damage, she should be healthy." Alastor's ears perked up at that last bit, a girl! He was shocked at the amount of damaged done to Angel,
"Will he be alright?" He finally asked and held his breath,
"Yes do not worry Angel dust will be fine, now please. Get the fuck out of my office!" He replied pointing to the door.

Alastor looked at the demon and he froze realised what he said. He put his hand to his mouth and apologised many times, he shouldn't have said that to the radio demon, especially in this state. Alastor moved closer so that he face face to face with the doctor who shivered upon his gaze. Alastor slammed his fist down on the doctor's hand, he  shouted and swore. Alastor would've chuckled but he just turned around,
"I would to much worse, but I have no time for you... I need to get back to someone special." He slammed the door and the doctor held his hand and sighed.

Alastor walked through the halls and demons quickly get out of his way at the sight of the demon without a smile. He went through the halls until he finally arrived at Angels room. He hesitated, he didn't want to see Angel like that, it made him think about what he could've done, he could've saved him. Maybe than he wouldn't be in the hospital. He took a shaky breath and opened the door. The machines beeped around him and he looked at Angel. He noticed the box on the side of Angels bed and quickly picked it up. Had the others seen it? He hoped they just knew it was his and placed it on the side for him.

He picked up a chair and placed it next to Angels bed, he stared at his boyfriend and slowly placed his hand on Angels, hoping for something, a sign he was there, that he knew Alastor was by his side. Before he knew it tears fell onto his lap as he desperately tried to get a response, all he was met with was the sound of Angels slow breath and the machines, the only thing telling him he was still alive.

He cried next to Angel and refused to leave when visiting hours were over, he slept on the chair and never once let go of Angels hand. Doctors came in and out of the room to do check ups and make sure he was still stable. Alastor watched them and made sure they didn't harm a hair on Angels head, he would also always ask how Angel was doing, always with the same answer,
"Still stable, atleast he isn't getting worse." Alastor watched the machines for any sign of a change, if anything happened the doctors knew Alastor would immediately call them.

Alastor got many texts from the others asking him to come back but he just continued to refuse. The others were going to visit Angel tommorow but they just couldn't leave the hotel unattended. They all promised to be there tommorow and they decided it would be better to try and sleep, it had been a long terrifying day and they needed some amount of rest. They said their good nights and went to bed but no one could actually go to sleep. They were all extremely stressed out and by the time they were all asleep it was about four in the morning. The hotel was finally silent but they were all plagued with bad dreams about the terrible event. They couldn't wait to see how Angel was tommorow.

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