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"Guys! Y'all are over reacting, I'm fine!' Angel said as they all climbed into the limo. Angel grunted in pain once more and Vaggie sighed,
"Hon, it's something alright, don't sit there and tell us it's nothing. We are taking you to the hospital, k?" Vaggie said smiling at him, a glint of worry in her eyes. Angel was annoyed, he was fine, it was just a bit of pain. He didn't realise this was just his way of avoiding his fear, what was going to happen to him? He didn't know how giving birth worked for men, he didn't really want to find out. He knew the others cared about him and he appreciated that, but he didn't want anything to go wrong, losing this child would be like dying a second time for him.

Alastor and Vaggie sat beside Angel as he fought with them to not go. Charlie and Molly sat in the front wheel, excited as hell! They talked about names, what they thought it would look like, and more. Angel had told them he didn't know who the father was and the others thought the two demons got together after Angel got pregnant. Also they all knew Alastor was asexual anyway, that's why the twos relationship shocked them the most anyway, the two were quite opposite. Since they thought Angel didn't know who the father was, they couldn't wait to see the child's features and abilities, they were so excited.

Alastor held Angels hand, he was more panicked then even Angel was. He didn't know what would happen either, and he could tell Angel was panicked, it was very clear, for him at least. He hadn't thought about what the child would look like, he had forgotten they didn't know about what happened that night, whatever, he would have time to panic later. Right now, Angel was his biggest priority, the only thing that mattered to him right now. Husk and Arackness were a little confused, Husk had just woken up and was still in his drunken state, Arackness and Cherri weren't in the room and Sir Pentious was filling the two in on all of the missed details. And Nifty, well she was Nifty, similar to Molly and Charlie she was just excited, but she could get excited about anything and everything.

The car abruptly stopped with a loud screech and they all got out of the car quickly, rushing into the large hospital. Alastor used his large tenticals to grab the nearest nurse and threaten them to one of the doctors, although the doctors didn't really care about the nurse. They knew the power of the radio demon and listened to his every word. He requested the best ward and the best doctor, he smiled over at Angel and took him up to the ward. The others followed, not wanting to leave their friend.

When Alastor finally got the doctor he immediately stated what would happen, to ease the worry in the group,
"We will have to perform a C-section on him as well, the mechanic's are... Different." The doctor said gesturing towards Angel. Everyone was eased for a moment until they found out what he was going to do, he would cut open Angel and carefully take the child out of him. The doctor told Angel to lay down on the table/bed thing. He was hesitant, he was also terrified. He looked over at Alastor who gave him an encouraging look, despite being terrified himself. Angel nodded and got on the bed, the doctor started wheeling him away without another word.

The others followed, not wanted to leave their friends side, suddenly the bed stopped and the doctor looked at everyone,
"I'm sorry, only one other person is aloud in the operating room." He looked at everyone, giving them a look that says, 'I'll give you all a moment'. They all looked at eachother, then at Alastor, without even saying any words they decided Alastor should go, first, he was the most okay with blood, which Charlie and Molly were not. And second, he was the boyfriend of Angel, and cared about him more than any of them even thought. Alastor awkwardly tugged at his collar and nodded. Angel and Alastor waved them good bye as they entered the operating room.
"Remember, we will be right here when your out Angel, you'll be fine!" Cherri said waving excitedly. Angel smiled as the large grey doors shut with a bang.

Alastor looked at Angel, desperately clinging on to his smile to reassure Angel who was clearly freaking out. They were now in a a dark- ish room where many tools were layed out on different tables. Angel was set in the middle of the room and a light was placed on top of him. Alastor stood by him and held his hand. He looked his boyfriend in the eye,
"You'll be fine, I'll be here the entire time..." He said to Angel, squeezing his hand. Angel looked at him and squeezed his hand back, smiling. Seeing Angels gorgeous smile once more made calmed him down.

~Mon Ange~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu