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"Your never going to escape. I'll always be here, your daddy's little hoe, remember that~" Valentino said menacingly, holding up Angels chin and giving him the evil grin he wore so well. Angel was breathing heavily and trying to fight Valentino off, but failing miserably. He chuckled at his pathetic attempted,
"Fuckin' let me go! Alastor! Alastor!" Angel screamed Alastor's name desperately. Valentino held him tighter, digging into his flesh.

Valentino laughed even harder,
"You think he's going to come get you... He never cared anyway..." Valentino stated, placing his hands lower to Angels neck, sending shivers down his spine. Angel shouted and continued screaming,
"Shut up! Just shit the fuck up! They care! He cares!" Angel was now sobbing, they cared, he knew they did. Valentino made his way down to Angels... Area, Angels eyes widened as he grabbed Valentino's hand away, this failed however, and Valentino took a knife and stabbed into Angels hand.

Angel shouted and recoiled, but Valentino was persistent, he took of Angels pants and then underwear, Angel struggling in his grasp. Valentino smiled at the sight, the fear in Angels eyes as he tried to fight with whatever energy he had left. He didn't care about how afraid he was, he could do anything he wanted to him anyway, so he did. He grabbed Angels sides and pushed himself onto him, he shoved himself inside Angels mouth and Angels gagged, he then moved his hands to his... You know.

Angel woke up in a cold sweat shouting. This immediately woke up Alastor and Ashleigh who slept right next to them,
"Darling! What's happening?! You haven't had a nightmare in quite a while." Alastor asked with an extremely worried expression, he picked up Ashleigh who was crying, but still held Angels hand tight.
"Uhh.. it's nothing... Just a dumb uh... Nightmare..." Angel said unconvincingly, trying to calm himself down. Alastor rocked Ashleigh for a while until she stopped crying, he them turned his attention to Angel,
"Please tell me darling... You've been off for a while now." Alastor pleaded, he didn't break eye contact with Angel and used his free hand to brush against Angels cheek, making Angel jump.

Angel sighed as a single tear dripped onto their bed.
"I... I don't... It was..." Angel started breathing heavily and holding his chest, Alastor quickly wrapped his arms around the spider in an attempt to comfort him,
"It's... Him. Isn't it?" Alastor asked, they both knew who he was talking about, and Angel just nodded slowly. Alastor could see how terrified he was at just the thought of the pimp, it enraged him, but he kept calm, focusing all his attention on calming Angel down.

After a while Angel managed to choke out a sentence,
"Al... I don't think she's safe, I know he's planning something, I can feel it! There's something going on..." Angel admitted, wiping his tears and gesturing to the now fast asleep demon right below them. Alastor's sighed,
"So this is why you've been off lately." Alastor said, placing Ashleigh in Angels arms before getting out of their bed and switching to his normal suit as he brushed himself off. Angel looked down and didn't respond. Alastor sighed once more and walked over to the balcony door.

Alastor stood at the balcony, putting his elbow on the balcony and leaning down, staring down at the pride ring.
"I knew there was something you weren't telling us..." Alastor lit a cigarette and began smoking it, blowing out the dark red smoke and watching it evaporate into the air.

Angel  looked up and watched him, he stood out of bed himself and joined Alastor, his third and second set of arms holding Ashleigh,
"I'm sorry Al I-" Alastor turned to face him and cut him off,
"No need to be darling. I know your worried, you have a right to be. But you forget that I will never let anything happen to you, or my dear little Ashleigh, no harm will ever come to you as long as I am here." Alastor held Angels hands and smiled at him softly, Angel returned the smile,
"Promise?" Angel said, holding out his pinky, Alastor chuckled quietly,
"Promise." He pinky promised with Angel and they both kissed, Alastor holding Angel close to him, comforting Angel.

They stayed like that for a while before Ashleigh started stirring in her sleep, Alastor then chuckled,
"Let's get you both to bed." Alastor said, Ashleigh held Alastor's index finger and cooed happily. Angel passed Ashleigh to Alastor and he placed her in his spot. Angel got into bed and cocked his head,
"Ya comin' babe?" Angel asked while Alastor put his hair up into a ponytail,
"No darling, you need to get your sleep, it'll be morning soon and you know me and my sleeping schedule. Please, get some sleep though?" Alastor pleaded, Angel rolled his eyes and nodded, how could he say no anyway?

Alastor kissed Angel once more and then silently closed the door behind him, heading downstairs to the kitchen to start preparing some sort of breakfast. Angel quickly got back to sleep but was a little upset to not feel Alastor's warmth beside him.

Meanwhile Alastor headed downstairs and made his way into the kitchen, a tiered grin on his face. He put on his black apron on and walked towards the ingredient he need for his famous pancakes, feeling the marble counter as he walked towards it. He opened the cupboard and pulled out ingredients, placing them on the counter in beat to the song he was humming.

He took a pan out of the higher cupboard, standing on his tiptoes to reach it, and then he spun around and turned the stove on, placing the pan on and still humming happily. He turned around to get the pancake mix ready and was met with Vaggie,
"Is Angel Dust okay?"

Alastor stopped and cocked his head,
"Yes he's alright now, just worried." He said suspiciously. Vaggie sighed in relief and sat down on top of the counter, she was even shorter than Alastor and dangled her feet from the counter,
"I heard him scream, somehow Charlie didn't wake up, the only time I hear him scream is when he has nightmares." Alastor admired Vaggies attention to detail, however much he disliked her sometimes, she was a good friend to Angel.

Alastor sighed,
"Yes... He's okay now. He's just worried about... Him." Vaggie put a hand to her head, neither of them could even say his name, he truly was an evil demon.
"Look, Al, I know we don't get along, like ever really. But you care about Angel, and he's really happy with you, I can tell. I trust you when you tell him that you'll protect him but, you know you can't always do it alone, we will always be there for him too, we will fight by your side if anything happens okay?" Vaggie stated, getting down from the counter and standing face to face in front of him.

Alastor nodded,
"As much as I hate to admit it, I do need help occasionally. And we are all much stronger together anyway, if that overlord even comes close to the hotel..." Vaggie finished his sentence for him,
"We will rip his head off and light him up!" She said, they both chuckled together,
"That sounds like a good plan dear." They both agreed and chuckled more together.
"Okay Al, I'm gonna see you in a moment, I'm gonna get changed and probably get Charlie up, see you in a moment." Alastor put a thumb up and turned back to his ingredients, Vaggie smiled and went back upstairs to Charlie.

Alastor was surprised, had he just gotten along with Vaggie? Well alot was changing these days, so maybe it wasn't a terrible thing? The party was coming up in a couple of days anyway and maybe it would be more fun if he didn't have his not so secret rivalry with Vaggie. Maybe it was for the best, both his new found friendship with Vaggie and the party, maybe the party would call Angel down, let him calm down and just have some simple fun.

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