This is a title

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(I am so creative when it comes to titles😏😏😏 Enjoyyyy💖👌)

Angel woke up with a start, he felt a kick at his stomach and giggled softly. He turned and saw that Alastor was still asleep, Alastor was such a light sleeper he was surprised he wasn't up. He looked down at the peaceful demon. His normal red hair was messy and had a few knots in it, his face didn't have a smile on it and was replaced with a peaceful look, a small snore could be heard from him. Angel watched him with a soft smile on his face, Alastor was so cute when he wanted to be, no matter how much he denied it.

Angel looked at him for a little while longer before getting out of bed. He walked over to the bathroom, luckily he hadn't had any morning sickness for a while now. He opened the cabinet and looked at the old box of pills, he'd lost the key for a while, then Alastor found it in the carpet, Angel quickly took the key back and he had it since. Alastor hadn't asked about it, it hadn't seemed to important Angel guessed.

He put the box back and took a pink brush from the cabinet instead. He then proceeded to have a battle with his hair as he tried to brush it, eventually beating the somewhat sentient hair and making it look partly decent. He still had the dress on from yesterday, he must have fallen asleep and getting taken home by Alastor, he smiled and got out of the dress, instead he put on a large sweater that belonged to Alastor, he wouldn't mind, and some black shorts because he didn't really care. His make up was slightly messy from the sleep and he wiped it off, replacing it with a new coat of makeup, not much though, he never put much make up on.

He quickly brushed his teeth and looked at himself one more time, he should be ready, he checked the clock, 8:30 the others should be awake around now. He re-opened the bathroom door, careful not to wake up Alastor, he must have been up late last night, he didn't usually sleep this long. Alastor stirred and Angel left the room without another sound, he deserved to sleep in a little, he wasn't going to ruin that for him.

He came downstairs and saw everyone, as he expected, in the lobby all doing their own things. He smiled at everyone,
"Hey bitches guess who's up!" Angel shouted jumping off the last two steps with a loud stomp. Everyone looked up at Angel and greeted him per usual, he sat next to Vaggie and they got into conversation, Charlie came out the kitchen at the sound of Angels loud voice,
"Perfect timing Angel! I was just about to start preparing breakfast!" She said rushing back into the kitchen with her apron and oven mittens on, both of them white with a red apple pattern going across them. Angel smiled and didn't have time to nod as she was already gone, he continued talking to Vaggie.

Charlie came in after about fifteen minutes with a steaming hot pile of bacon and egg sandwiches, straight out of the whatever they came out of. (sorry I don't know much about cooking and I didn't want to get it wrong lol.) Angel bit down in his as soon as he got it and burned his mouth, everyone laughed and went back to talking and enjoying themselves. Angel waited for it to cool down and quickly started eating it.

Suddenly one of the radios in the lobby started playing an old tune and up came the radio demon, staff in hand and a bright smile on his face. He looked around at the people in the room and greeted everyone joyfully. He created his own sandwich it of no where and sat beside Molly and Nifty to eat it. The radio continued playing as they all enjoyed their breakfast together, the livelyness traveling around the room as everyone talked and laughed. Hotel clients came in and out of the hotel and ignored the scene, they all saw how close the staff were, either they didn't care or they just didn't want to say anything about it.

Alastor stood up to take everyone's plates into the kitchen and the radio changed, it flicked through many songs,
"What the hell Al? Didn't like the song?" Vaggie said, she had been enjoying the song before it's abrupt stop. Alastor spun round and cocked his head confused,
"Darling, I thought you were changing the radio, I wasn't doing anything." Alastor said shrugging and taking all the plates to the kitchen,
"Good one Al, you can stop now though." Molly said smiling awkwardly, they songs kept changing and static was starting to form. Alastor came back into the lobby holding his hands up in the air,
"I am doing no such thing! I promise!" He said. There wasn't a red glow to his hands and his staff remained on the coffee table so there was no way he could be doing anything.

Everyone looked at eachother,
"Uh, just change the radio back babe." Angel simply said. Alastor obliged and snapped his fingers, the radio switched to the original song. It didn't last long though, the radio switched back quite quickly to something else, then something else. Everyone looked at eachother to see who was causing it. No one, everyone was really confused. They were even more confused when it stopped just as suddenly as it started. They looked at eachother, everyone shrugged at eachother and eventually went back to what they were doing.

It was a quite uneventful day after that. Charlie needed someone to do paperwork with so Angel agreed and joined him. It surprised her actually, Angel never wanted to do paperwork, but he had nothing better to do and he knew that Charlie would kill him if he didn't do any paperwork sometimes soon, he had to help out with the hotel more. Molly and Arackness helped Nifty with repairs as they were thinking about working at the hotel as staff, they wanted to be there for Angel more, especially with everything going on right now.

Husker did his job at the bar which manly consisted of him drinking and greeting residents grumpily. Sir Pentious just hung around the hotel without much to do, he and Alastor just did their own thing in the hotel. Pentious was eventually called by his egg bois for a mini battle, he expected and left the hotel for a few hours. Alastor stayed on his own in the crimson lobby listening to his radio and reading another parenting book. He wanted as much experience as he could get, to be prepared for the day. It should be any day now, the baby was already late so it's should be any time soon.

Alastor was bored and it was about 6:30 so he decided to start fixing up some dinner, he would have it prepared in about an hour which was when Sir Pentious was coming back, it should be perfect timing. He opened the many light crimson cupboards and pulled out the ingredients, setting them up neatly in a row on the kitchen counter, he luckily had a lot of space to cook. He turned on the stove and put his black deer apron on. He turned on the radio in the kitchen and started humming the tune happily, he loved cooking so much. He did it a lot when he was alive and particularly liked cooking for his mom, the one who taught him actually. The thought of his mother made him smile softly, he didn't even realise that he was cooking her favourite meal, courgette lasagna, he actually knew this was also Angels favourite, well the lasagna bit at least. Angel always made him cook him lasagna.

He hummed the whole time moving in sync with the music throwing it into the oven and calling everyone down as he heard the ding of the oven. Pentious had come back a while before and was just playing with one of his inventions, bored as fuck. Alastor served the food and within half an hour all the food was gone, with their large group they had to cook more now and there was just about enough for everyone to be full and happy. They all thanked Alastor for the great meal and Alastor excepted the compliments great fully.

Everyone went different ways Husker leaving up to his room drunk as hell. Alastor was at the bar cleaning up the spilled alcohol and dirty stains Husker didn't bother to clean.
"Hey boo~" Angel said sitting on the stool. Alastor smiled and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek,
"What do you need 'Mon amour'?" He asked wiping the bar down with a cloth.
"Nothing, just wanted to say hi to my boyfriend that I love~" he responded winking at him with a smile. Alastor laughed and nodded, the two chatting for a little while while Alastor cleaned the area.

Suddenly Angels stopped in the middle of his sentence. Alastor spun around at the sudden silence,
"Alright my darling?" Alastor said eyeing his boyfriend confused. Angel just sat there in shock holding his stomach, then he leaned over in pain,
"Yeah- Uh this kid is just being a bit rough..." He chuckled and grunted in pain once more. Alastor looked at Charlie from across the room, he was a bit worried. He went round to Angel and put a hand on Angels shoulder,
"Are you sure you're alright, she's never been this tough." Alastor looked at his boyfriend, getting more worried by the second, the others started to get up to at the scene. Angel was sweating and breathing heavily, he still kept a smile,
"I'm- fine..." Angel said trying to get up, he almost fell and everyone gasped, Alastor held him,
"To the hospital then!" He said gritting his teeth, of course now was the perfect time, he thought sarcastically. Charlie called the others and they took the car, they couldn't teleport as it was a rule that you couldn't teleport while a demon was in labor, they didn't know why. Well, the time had finally come.

(Ooooo what's gonna happen next? I've got nothing better to do then to write so that's what I'll be doing, be ready for more!!! Oh I really want to write more but let's just leave it here for now! Everyone have a great day!!! Love you all!!💖💖💖)

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