Break in

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Angel was about a month away from giving birth and everyone was taking care of him more than he wanted. He assured them he could do things on his own yet still he was constantly being watched and helped with things.

Vaggie and Charlie were going off to by some baby clothes and just utilities in general. They took nifty with them to use as a prototype for the clothes. Angel and Alastor promised they wouldn't make a mess while she was gone. Husk also wasn't here as he had a gamble for a whole lot of money he had been hyping up for days. Only Alastor and Angel remained in the hotel. They were both fine with that, after the Valentino call someone still had to keep an eye on Angel just in case, so two people was good enough, Alastor helped residents but there really wasn't much to do.

Angel was sat on the couch in the lobby and was watching some of his favourite shows from when he was alive when someone called him. He got up and went over to the bar where he heard the voice calling him. He didn't have much trouble walking despite his very obvious weight gain. He walked over there and saw, as he expected, Alastor,
"Ya need anything babe?" Angel asked and looked at his boyfriend and cocked his head. Alastor smiled,
"Oh Angel, I'm just letting you know that I'm on the roof if you need me, I just feel like hexing demons down on the street right now. Would you care to join me?" He asked cheerfully. Angel though for a moment and looked back over at the couch. He shook his head,
"Nah I'm good here Al, for once I think ima chill, I know where you are though so I'll call if I need ya." Angel replied and Alastor looked slightly upset.

Alastor was hesitant to leave Angel on his own. Angel nodded and reasurred him that he would be fine. It was just for like fifteen minutes or so, nothing would happen right?

Alastor went upstairs up to the roof and looked down and hell. He smiled at them and he cursed someone to punch another demon, a fight broke out and he laughed in entertainment. He did that for a few minutes and then sighed. He pulled something out of his pocket, it was a small dark red box with a spider on it. He opened it to reveal a beautiful golden ring with a red diamond on the top, he sighed. He desperately wanted to ask Angel the big question, but he didn't know how to. Why did he love him so much anyway? He never knew why. He closed the box and sighed, one day.

Little did he know a tall powerful demon was walking down the street towards the hotel at this very moment. None other than the overlord himself, Valentino. He stayed oblivious in his thought, unfortunately something terrible was about to go down for his poor Angel.

Angel was sat on the couch when he suddenly felt like eating something. He lazily got up and walked over to the kitchen, as he walked past the door he heard a loud bang behind him. He turned around quickly expecting something to have fallen. He turned around and saw nothing, he heard another bang. It was the door, Angel was annoyed,
"Okay I'm coming yer gonna knock the door down!" He walked over to the door and opened it.

He stepped away quickly and tried to close the door on the demon before him. He kicked the door so it would stay wide open.
"Fuck! Val! Get away you asshole!" He stepped back a little more and his back hit the bar, he cursed. Valentino smiled at him menacingly,
"Angel cakes... Is that any way to talk to me?" He said and came closer to Angel, he had a whip in one hand and a gun in the other. Angel shouted for Alastor,for anyone who could help him, he knew there was no way anyone could here him, Alastor was over 6floors away from him. He started panicking and looked around and picked up a glass bottle of whisky. He waved it around but he knew Valentino wouldn't care, let a alone be scared.

His smiled faded quickly and turned into a look of rage, he swung the whip and hot Angel on the thigh,
"I'm going to make you wish that child never existed! How dare you do this! My best whore!" He whipped him again and hit him on the neck hard. Angel collapse and started coughing and choking. He wiped the blood from his mouth and whimpered he could bearly shout. Angel swung the bottle and hit Valentino on the side of the head, it broke on impact. He stumbled and wiped the blood of his face. He pulled a bit of glass out of his arm. Angel held the bottle threating to stab him with the sharp end.

Valentino grabbed Angels hand and twisted it, he twisted it until there was one loud snap and Angel screamed again. The bottle fell on onto the carpet with a loud smash. Angels hand hung limply and Valentino grinned at the sight, Angel had tears pouring down his eyes and was breathing deeply, his throat tightened up more and it was getting harder for him to breathe.

Alastor was up on the roof still and heard a scream, it sounded familiar, the hotel door was open but Al didn't notice that that was where the sound was coming from. He thought something interesting was happening bit looked around and saw nothing, he could hear things. But see nothing.

Angel got up and ran to the stairs to try to get to Alastor but he knew he wouldn't make it. Valentino was caught off guard and chased Angel, he aimed his gun and shot at him a few times. The third shot caught the side of his leg which made him trip and hit his head on the steps he was about to climb. He screamed once more, no one heard him. Valentino quickly approached him and pulled something else out of his pocket, a knife.

Alastor finally recognised the scream and heard his name being shouted. He ran to the roof door and burst through, running down the stairs. He wasn't quick enough to stop what Valentino was going to do next.

He lifted the knife above Angel and stabbed down into his stomach. Angel shouted and pleaded at him to stop, it was impossible to hear what he was saying. Alastor raced down the stairs even faster than before at the sound of another scream. He finally made it and threw himself at Valentino who was right in front of the stairs. Valentino and Alastor flew into the wall with a crash but Alastor stuck the landing while Valentino fell to the ground. Valentino had a bloody nose and got up and continued fighting the radio demon.

Angels vision started going blurry and all he heard were loud noises and radio static. He knew someone had heard him, was he going to be able to save him in time though? What worried him the most was if his child was safe, it would destroy him if he found out something had happened to her or him.

Alastor knocked Valentino to the ground once more, he was caught of guard by a gun shot and Valentino ran out of the hotel, he tried to shoot Angel before he left. Alastor jumped into Angels direction and two bullets went into him. One missed Alastor and hit Angel in the shoulder. Alastor was shot in the chest and on the thigh. Valentino smirked and ran away, he was limping.

Alastor collapse over Angel and shouted his name, Angel looked at the face over him and tried to say something, but his eyes couldn't hold any more and he passed out. Alastor ran to the phone and called Charlie.

Charlie: Hello?

Alastor: Charlie Charlie! You need to come here! Angels been attacked!

Charlie: What?! Get him to the hospital! I'll tell the others go!

Alastor hung up and picked up the limp Angel, he still hadn't noticed his bullet wounds as he teleported to the hospital. He suddenly felt the pain when he teleported, his powers had weakened from the shots. He landed in the hospital and the doctors instantly listened to him in fear, Angel went straight into a ward. Alastor wanted to heal him, but his wounds were to sever and his powers to weak. He swore at himself, why did he leave Angel alone! Why didn't he save him?! What if he wasn't ok?! He stayed by Angels bed and was still there when the others arrived.

Alastor was bleeding out but he could heal later. Charles told him he had to rest, two gunshots lost him a lot of blood. They all stared over Angel's bed and looked at him. He looked terrible. Alastor refused to leave his side and the other found out that Alastor had a few stab wounds and his chest and arms. Alastor collapse onto a chair and passed out, he couldn't take it. A mixture of stress and blood loss made him pass out. Nifty quickly got a medical kit and patched up his wounds, they all stayed in the ward with the two damaged demons. They had to stay, they couldn't leave Angel, and they were also worried about what Alastor would to once he woke up.

(Wow! That was quite a chapter, I am feeling very tense right now! Sorry to leave you guys like this but the next chapter will be out soon! Hope you enjoyed.)

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