By your side

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Angel was definitely showing these days. He only wore baggy things now, usually pink. Angel helped the best he could around the hotel, but Charlie always forced him to stay in bed, especially these days. Alastor and Angel slept by eachother every night, once the others found out about them they would definitely get there own room together.

Alastor had been helping Angel alot, he still denied to the others that he was even remotely interested in him but they knew something was up. Alastor could always be heard talking to Angel and sometimes even laughing. Angel would always come down a little while after Alastor and vise versa with going to bed.

Vaggie joked alot around Alastor and there relationship didn't seem to be getting any better. Angel and Vaggie on the other hand were now quite close. They didn't fight as much and they shared a talent in bilingualism and they loved hearing about each others cultures and comparing the differences.

They were just doing that when they heard quick footsteps coming up to them. They both turned and saw Nifty running up to them at an unnatural speed, even for Nifty. They looked at eachother in confusion as Nifty cought her breath and tried to speak,
"Angel! I just found something out, I think you might need to know..." Angels eyes widened, had something happened, was Val here? Had Alastor done something bad? Angel got of his seat and down to Nifty, Vaggie was just as worried,
"Nif? What happened?" Angel asked the small demon. Nifty took a deep breath and started explaining the situation, or more realistically Angels situation.

"Okay so there was a spider egg in the dining room and I was doing research on spiders to figure out how to get it out. So I was on the laptop and found out that spiders take around two month to give birth. I realized you were a spider demon and taking that away from average human time because you get the assets of your animal (if you get an animal) that means you are giving birth at month seven...." Nifty finished.

Angels jaw dropped, if he had seven months two give birth that meant he only had,
"Three months left!" He shouted and Vaggie looked at him worriedly. She smiled reasurringly,
"It's ok hun! Your ready, you'll be a great dad." Vaggie said putting a hand on Angels shoulder. Angel sighed, he knew he wouldn't be, no one would want a porn star like him. The only reason Al was staying with him was because he was responsible for the baby. He sighed,
"No I'm not Vags, ya said it yourself when I first came 'ere... I'm just a slut." He smiled sadly at Vaggie. The helped Angel stand up, she looked mad, she shook her head and looked angel dead in the eye,
"You are not just a slut! Don't say that Angel! It's clear you have changed! Your a good person and will be a great father." Vaggie hugged the spider demon. They realised Nifty had gone, probably to tell the others as they came in and saw angel and Vaggie.

Vaggie didn't realise that Angel was crying, Vaggie smiled once more and went over to Charlie. Angel went to... No one. He wanted to go to Al but the others would know. He just stood there until Husk said,
"Okay no one's gonna tell him! Al told us you two were a 'thing'." Angel blushed hard and turned to face Al, he went up to him and hugged his beloved demon. The two couples stood there for a little while Husk left quickly as romance made him throw up, so he went to drink. Charlie eventually said,
"We should Al go on a double date soon! Come on Al!!" Charlie smiled. Al groaned, he's never gone one a date, they seem weird.

He sighed and nodded, as long as it not to soon, he still need to get used to the fact that everyone knew. He went upstairs with Angel and he smiled at her, his crimson eyes staring deep into Angels soul. Angel smiled and nuzzled Alastor gently with his head. They say down on the bed and turned on a movie, the two cuddled for a little while, they did that quite a bit. Angel found that he actually liked cuddling, he never did it until he started dating Al, like Val would ever cuddle him.

Angels eyes slowly started dropping and he snuggled himself up right next to the radio demon. Alastor put his arm around Angel and with that it didn't take long for Angel to fall asleep. Charlie came in asking for some paperwork that Alastor hadn't done yet and he quickly shushed the princess, pointing to Angel with a finger to his mouth. Charlie's eyes widened at how cute this little scene was, Angel was fast asleep on the radio demons chest snuggled up in a blanket watching a movie. A small squeal was coming out of Charlie and she looked like she would die of cuteness. Alastor rolled his eyes and gestured for Charlie to leave them be. Charlie quickly snapped out of it and nodded, leaving the room in a flash still mumbling,
"So cute!" While almost jumping.

Alastor finished the movie and Angel didn't even stir. Alastor had to admit he understood why Charlie thought this was so cute. He slowly kissed the spider gently on the forehead, he was just to cute for him, it had appeared that Alastor had a weakness indeed, a certain spider demon. He ran his hand through Angels hair and whispered under his breath,
"I need to ask Angel for his conditioner, amazing." He chuckled as he turned on another film.

As he was enjoying his film he felt his love tense up, Angel started breathing heavily. Soon after he began sweating and turning. He started saying something, he couldn't make it out, soon it got louder and Alastor heard it clearer,
"No please, don't hurt them, I'll do anything... I love them! No! What have you done you monster!" Alastor heard all of these sentences before Angel started crying and mumbling something indestinctable.

Alastor shook Angel and he woke up with a start, he was breathing heavily and his eyes were wide and teary. He hugged Alastor and Alastor held him right, he hated seeing Angel like this, the nightmares were getting worse, he could sense it,
"Darling, please tell me... What happened, I know your not alright!" Angel stayed quite when Alastor asked and he was about to ask again when he answered,
"It's nothing Al, I know it's not real, just the usual with Val. I've got it under control babe! Don't worry bout it!" He let go of Al and looked at him with a wide smile, two wide. Alastor saw right through it,
"Don't sit here and tell me you've got it under control, tell me! Your not fine, and I live you! It kills me too not know what's going on." He put both his hands on Angels shoulders and smiled pleadingly.

Angel sighed and began explaining the nightmares, well some of them, the more recent ones. Alastor sighed when he finished and hugged Angel.
"I love you Mon Ange... Please don't keep anything from me, I will always be by your side, you need to remember that!" Alastor smiled warmly at Angel and Angel blushed and blinked away tears. He nodded and hugged Alastor tight. They stayed like that for a while until they looked at the time And realised they had to go down, it was bored game night, Angels favourite and Alastor's least.

Alastor made the bed quickly and Angel put something more comfortable on, he was definitely showing way more, most of his usual clothes didn't fit anymore so he wore sweater and hoodies alot. Alastor finished and the two went downstairs together, right before the others saw them Angel kissed Alastor on the cheek and made him go red, he froze as Angel said hi to everyone, turning around and winking at Alastor mischievously. Alastor grinned back, annoyed, he loved this demon but he was such a pain sometimes.

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